Ranboozled (bee duo :))

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Ranboozled (bee duo SLAAAAAY)

It was close to 3 in the morning and Tubbo was still wide awake. He was with Ranboo playing Minecraft on the smp server. They were having fun killing each other and building stupid things. Time passed by and it was close to three thirty now. Tubbo and Ranboo decided to end the stream and just straight up talk for a while. (for this next part i need you to imagine that Ranboo is staying in his own small place in the Uk aight)


Tubbo goes to sit in his bed and text Ranboo about his day and about the stream ya know what could've gone better, what was bad and needed to be fixed and stuff. Just then Ranboo texts him saying he wants to come over. Tubbo politely declines and says it's really late and that he would need to go to sleep soon. (srsly Tubbo cmon mannnn) Ranboo understood but he had plans.


Tubbo sadly left to go to sleep. BUT Ranboo was NOT having it. This man went and got his shoes on and full on walked his ass over to Tubbos house. Obviously Tubbo had his door locked so he couldn't just walk in. BUT JUST THEN Ranboo goes sicko mode and grows a pair of full ass WINGS AND FLYS HIS WAY up to Tubbos window. (HAHAHA I'M GOING CRAZY) he knocks on the window several times. He gave Tubbo multiple chances to wake tf and open the window but he didn't. So the Oreo man had to take despite measures. Just then he pulls out his diamond pickaxe and breaks the bee boy's window down. He went and stood over Tubbo until he woke up.


Once Tubbo woke up he screamed so loudly that even dream could hear him all the way in Florida. Ranboo scooped Tubbo up and sprinted to the kitchen to make mac and cheese he threw Tubbo into the mixing pot and covered him in cheese. OBVIOUSLY Ranboo isn't a cannibal so he went and got in the mixing bowl with Tubbo and they spun around in a circle to mix the mac and cheese. Once it was done cooking they both got out of the bowl and went downstairs into the back yard. They threw grass inside they're mac and cheese to make it taste better then they enjoyed it and then went back to sleep.


Honestly this is probably one of the best freaking stories I've made. It's beautiful. I don't know what was truly going on in my mind during this. The bee duo strongly gives me chaotic vibes so slay.

☆word count: 436 slay☆


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