-2- [Turning Point]

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Stepping into the convenience store, Akira looked to the person at the counter and his eyes widened at who he saw.

Saki Minami stood in front of the counter and an employee. Seeing her, it was like the world around Akira froze, still trying to process the fact Saki, who he believed to be dead, was in fact alive and well. Moments after, she turned away from the counter her dull olive green eyes met Akira's own. 

A girl that he last saw laying on her stomach at the bottom of the stairs, laying in a pool of her own blood. 

Slowly, Akira made his way towards Saki who also noticed this, "What're you doing man?" Shay asked, but Akira gave him no attention as he continued towards Saki, "S... S... Saki...but how? Why? How? Why? This shouldn't be possible, how?" Saki took a step back as Akira came closer, not stopping until only a foot of space was between them.

"You're alive. You're alive!"

"What're you on about?" Saki asked as she took another step back, "What's with this guy?" She asked Shay who only gave her a shrug.

"It's nothing much to worry about, I just need to know how you're alive, that's all."

"Alive? What do you mean by that?"

"You died! You should be dead!" Akira yelled, pointing a finger towards Saki who only looked at him with a confused look, "You were doing the bidding of this one! Pulled me out of class and before I knew it, your body was laying at the bottom of the stairs, face down and covered in blood!"

"Akira! We've already been over this, you never went to class that day, and I never had Saki do anything. Until today I've never seen this woman." Shay said as he got between the two. Akira struggled to get by Shay until he remembered his phone. Stopping his struggle, he quickly turned to his phone and pulled up the messages. The two messages Saki sent as well as the phone number.

"Here, see?" 

While hesitant to do so, Saki took a step forward to see the phone screen Akira held in front of her. Reading the messages and looking over the number, she took a step back before doing her best to compose herself.

"I sent you those messages then? I will admit that's my number, but I'm sure I'd remember sending someone like you messages like that." Saki explained, "Not only that, but I've never seen this man before either."

"How can you not remember? You messaged me to meet you in the hall, a boy bumped into me and you picked up my phone for me. None of this rings any bells with you?" Saki said nothing to Akira as she only turned to Shay, "I don't know what your friend is going on about, but I think he needs professional help."

"Trust me, I know." 

Akira did nothing else as he and Shay watched Saki leave the store, "How? How doesn't she remember any of it? Not even remembering the messages she sent either." Akira said to himself. To ensure Akira wouldn't try anything, Shay kept him in the convenience store for another fifteen minutes, allowing Saki possibly enough time to get out of the area, home at the very least.

In that time, Akira did nothing but stare at foods, snacks, drinks, and books, and magazines. Complete silence and appearing to have little to no life in himself anymore. Despite this, Shay was keen on keeping any eye on him should Akira try anything.

"I don't get it." Akira thought to himself.

"Events of the day contradict each other at every stop. Everyone claims things happened one way, but I still have memories of them happening a different way. My phone is also proof of that. Saki said she was a friend of Shay's, but now the two claim to have never met."

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