-21- [End and Beginning]

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Flicking on a few switches, a television screen turned on and gave a reflection of Akira. For a moment, he had taken a moment back, being slightly startled by his reflection before composing himself a moment later.

"I'll be damned." Akira said, moving his face closer to the screen, "The old junky GoPro actually connected to this old television set."

"Only after messing with the two." Shay added.

"Move Akira, let me see." Mami said as she pushed Akira out of the way, but rather than look at herself on the television screen, she looked to the camera on top of the television.

"You're looking in the wrong place, Mami. You should be looking at the screen and not the camera directly, otherwise you won't see yourself."

Meanwhile, appearing from a flash of light, Akira and Saki found themselves in the alleyway between the apartment building and a neighborhood building.

"That felt... different..." Saki said as she looked at her hands. As she did this, Akira walked down the alleyway until coming to the street, seeing the familiar sights around him. Specifically looking at the junk shop and the apartments above it. Feeling his phone vibrate, Akira looked at it, smiling as he saw the message from Shay, as well as its Labrys attachment.

"Alright Saki, we know what we have to do, right?" Akira asked, "We need to make sure everything is in the right places if we hope to make it out. We can't make contact with our past selves, and time isn't a luxury for us. We need to do everything fast, but also right."

"And we also have to get your phone into the past Akira's possession without you two making contact, right?" The two were about to start on their way to the college, but hearing Akira's voice, the two quickly pushed themselves against the closest wall.

"It's almost time for classes, Mami. Get your things and I'll meet you outside. I can also use the GoPro to catch everything as we go."

"Shay! Watch that apartment! Should your sister come looking for us, you'll know where we are."

"Thank God Mami liked to leave the window open." Saki said with a sigh.

But then the two went silent again as they heard the door to the apartment open, "Now that it's recording, it should catch our walk and anything we may come across."

Hearing them come down the stairs, Akira and Saki watched as the past Akira and Mami walked down the street and towards the station, "Dammit, they're already heading for the station. I don't like it Saki, but we may need to run to the school."

"Run? Us run while they take a train?"

"I'm aware it seems impossible, but if I'm right, it takes Mami and I about seven minutes to reach the station, then we wait for a train. Including the time it takes to get to the station, that's about twenty minutes. And that's just the walking and the waiting."

Saki only sighed as she started to do a few brief stretches, "Just be glad I was on the track team in my school, Akira. Third best among the other girls."

With Saki finished with her stretching, she and Akira ran down another street, taking a completely different path from the past Akira and Mami, hoping to not run into them as they ran, as well as trying to not run into anyone else Akira knew from any of his classes.

With their non-stop running, Akira and Saki eventually arrived at the college, but to avoid anyone that would potentially recognize them, they came through the back. Saki was about to continue into the school, but stopped as she noticed Akira looking down at his phone with a smile, "What is it? Something happen?" She asked.

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