-20- [To Each a Tomorrow]

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When evening came, Shay and Saki left for their homes, leaving only Akira and Mami. Mami stayed for about another hour before finally deciding to leave. Mostly because if she waited any longer, she'd miss the last train home. If it hadn't been for that fact, she would've likely stayed a little longer.

"Well, I'll see you later Akira, bye."

"Y-yeah, bye."

Mami only smiled before turning to leave, "W-wait, Mami." Mami stopped and looked back at Akira, who saw he had his arm outstretched to her, "Let me walk you to the station." Mami only responded with a smile.

Leaving the apartment, Akira walked beside Mami, even carrying her bags for her, "Today was so much fun, wouldn't you agree, Akira?" Mami asked, "I also really enjoy Saki's company. I don't want to sound like that person, but it's nice to have another female friend there."

"Yeah. It is." Akira said with a small smile.

"I don't know about you Akira, I'm sure hungry. If it weren't for the trains, I'd stop and eat somewhere here with you. I'm so hungry I could eat a house." Mami looked at Akira and her smile disappeared, "Akira, you alright? You look a little tired."

"Sorry about that, Mami. I just... I haven't gotten much sleep lately."

Mami just looked at Akira for a few moments as he assured her he was indeed fine, "Well, if that's all it is, then you better get some sleep tonight. I mean it. Go to bed as soon as you come back home. Got it? No detours." Akira just chuckled at her, "Yes, whatever you say." The two started to laugh a bit more as they continued to the station.

"That reminds me, I need to wash some clothes tomorrow. Want to come with me?" Mami asked.

"That's right." Akira thought, "Tomorrow we wash her clothes and then we meet Saki. Mami leaves for an emergency, and I'm left to watch the clothes." Akira looked back at Mami seeing she was still looking up at him waiting for his answer, "Actually, I don't think I can make it tomorrow, Mami."

"Aw. That's lame."

"Because I was... planning something for all of us tomorrow evening. I thought we could have probably a small party for Saki." Immediately, Mami eyes looked back up at Akira, her sadness and disappointment disappearing almost immediately, "Really?" As Akira was about to respond, his attention turned to seeing a snowflake fall from the sky. Both turning to the sky, they witness snow falling from the sky.

After seeing Mami get on a train and leave, Akira quickly returned home. Dropping everything at the door, Akira rushed to the PC. Seeing it was still the Time Travel True 2, he let out a sigh of relief to see it hadn't changed back. Plugging in his phone, Akira watched as the PC began to take the updates from Labrys, "Revert to zero. That's what she meant then." Akira chuckled to himself.

"Where will the updates go?"

Looking back, Akira saw Saki standing by the hallway, "I... I thought you left home for the day." Saki shook her head, "I was, but then i thought this might be our final encounter, so I just... I couldn't go home. I just told my parents I'd be spending the night at a friend's house."

Saki walked to Akira before turning to the PC, seeing his phone already connected to it, "It's going then. No turning back, right Akira?" Akira just nodded and Saki smiled, "Even if this works and our memories disappear, do you think we'll find each other? Not just me, but Liora as well. I honestly doubt it'll affect you much. I mean, you've known Shay and Mami way before this, same with Miké and Reiji."

"Doesn't mean it won't hurt as much." Akira said.

"Akira, promise me that if we really do end it, you'll come find me. No matter what. I don't really know if I can make it on my own, I remember a life where I didn't know any of you, when I didn't want to because you kept freaking me out, but now, I don't think I can go back to that life. Not after all this."

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