-15- [Complex Conclusions]

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"How long has this gone on? How many parallel worlds have we entered? Changed? All I know..."

When next he awoke, it was morning. For a few moments, Akira was a little lost as sleep hadn't completely left him, but then the memories came back and Akira looked at his phone, "That's right, we went two days into the past. Which means tomorrow is the day I receive those messages, then the day after is our event horizon."

"Were Saki and I successful in making a new timeline?"

Leaving his apartment, Akira walked down the stairs until reaching the ground floor where he looked around in every direction, seeing nothing seemed to be different. He then looked back to the junk shop and walked towards the front doors. Inside the shop he saw Reiji at the counter, who didn't seem to notice Akira until he came closer to the front counter.

"Well well, finally awake? Good, I've got a few things that need repairs." Reiji said, gesturing to the other end of the counter.

"R-right. Hey Reiji?"

"Hm? What's up? Need something?"

Akira was about to ask Reiji the same questions again, wanting to hopefully find out more if possible. Instead, he only cracked a small smile and shook his head, "It's nothing Reiji. Forget it." Reiji looked at Akira with some confusion, but shrugged it off before going back to what he was initially doing. Meanwhile, Akira picked up the damaged electronics and put them in his bag before leaving the junk shop.

However, he felt something was off. And while he couldn't exactly tell what it was, he could feel something was off in the timeline.

Taking the broken electronics back to his apartment, Akira started on the work. He had already fixed these once before, so now all Akira had to do was use his memory to fix them again, only taking him less than half the time it originally did. Once he was finished, a knock attracted Akira's attention, and not much to his surprise, it was Saki.

Coming inside, the two immediately got started on their work.

"Given the maximum amount of time you pushed back, we now have a full two days, right?" Saki asked.

"That's right. Tomorrow is the day you and Mami decide to spend the night, also the night I'll receive those warning messages. Today, we didn't meet up because of that." Akira gestured to the fixed laptops and tablets, as well as a watch, "However, it's something I've literally done already, so now we have the whole day and tomorrow to use."

"Has anything different changed though?" Saki asked, "Because when I woke up and walked around my house, I didn't see any changes. Same for my trip over here."

"I haven't seen any changes, no. That being said, I'm beyond certain something is different. I just can't put my finger on it."

"Then it's likely a minor change, right?"

Saying nothing, Akira took out his phone and opened Labrys. For a moment, his eyes went wide before returning to normal. Turning it around, he showed Saki the screen, showing her a new update was available. For certain, it was a new update, not the same that would give Akira the time travel feature, that feature was present. It was new. But as expected, the description was next to worthless as there weren't any clear sentences. Just more random letters, numbers, and symbols.

"This is without a doubt, another timeline. A parallel world, but by changing this timeline with another message, we've changed the past of it. Then by putting ourselves in the place of our other versions, our current memories had some sort of influence on it as well."

"So not only did we change this timeline, we've changed it based on our memories."

"So you're able to figure all that out, but you can't find the differences between this world and the other?"

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