-9- [Contradicting Paradox Theory]

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The next day, Akira met with Shay at the café, mostly here because he promised Miké he would visit and buy food there. Excited by their arrival, Miké made the two her top priority customers. The two quickly got on with matters about Labrys, but would be silent or talk about something random when she arrived or was within hearing range.

"We've established the messages Labrys sends are indeed going to the past and changing it even. Going so far as to overwrite the originals and anything else that would conflict with the new timeline. But at the same time, they won't overwrite minor changes for what reason? I don't know."

Akira stopped talking as Miké came by, setting down the drinks Akira and Shay had ordered. Thanking her for them, they waited until she left before Akira resumed. 

"Now this brings me to Coco. She is no longer in our lives, likely because of the message I sent to help her and her friend. But since she no longer works, or never had worked at the junk shop, by all means, I shouldn't have the spare parts that I do."

"So what? Wouldn't that be a good thing?"

"No, it shouldn't. In fact, it shouldn't have happened at all as a result of our tampering. Instead, Reiji's niece works at the junk shop and is the one who sold me the parts."

Shay tilted his head in confusion as what Akira was explaining, "Hold on, if what you're saying is true, shouldn't the new timeline we're in or whatever have changed the events?"

"That's what I'm saying. Chris... Livie explained it, an event in the past that conflicts with the events in the present or future will be overwritten by the present or future. Correcting the contradiction in the past and overwriting it with new events that better match the present. So why did it stop now?"

Shay shrugged at Akira's question. As a result of having memories overwritten, he found himself somewhat lost, now needing it to be explained, "Maybe Saki's fears were true and a paradox was created as a result of us messing around with time traveling?"

"Time traveling?"

The two jumped in surprise, seeing Miké standing near the table, "Miké!" Akira yelled in surprise, "Shay, I told you to warn me if you saw her coming this way." He whispered to Shay, "I didn't even notice her coming."

"Are you all talking about time travel now?" Miké asked as she set their plate down, "So what is it Akira? Just talking or is it something you've actually been attempting?" Akira looked away from Miké, "Who can say, Miké?" 

Miké narrowed her eyes at Akira, but her mischievous smile remained, "It's not very nice to keep secrets from friends, Akira." She then turned to Shay, then backed up and bit, "Well true or not, be careful, don't want to end up accidentally causing your bloodline to cease existing."

"It doesn't work that way Miké." Akira said, "If time travel worked that way, it would only result in making a new timeline where you don't exist." Miké only stared at the two, still with her eyes narrowed and a smile across her face. She shrugged at the two before turning around, "Well now, that's quite interesting. Even for something that's just talk to you two, you sure seem to know quite a bit."

Akira and Shay watched Miké walk away, the two remaining silent for a few minutes more, "Think she was listening the whole time?" Shay asked. Akira said nothing for a few moments, "I don't really know."

Meanwhile, as the two spent their time at the café, Saki and Mami were headed to the apartment, bags in both their hands. In them were various foods, snacks, and drinks. Not that Akira had asked them to do this, it was just something Mami wanted to do for them, making sure the apartment wasn't empty of food or drinks.

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