-4- [Interpreters of Time Travel Theory]

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Parallel world, or a parallel universe, also called a parallel dimension, or alternate universe, or even an alternate reality.

A hypothetical self-contained plane of existence, co-existing with our own universe. A universe similar to ours, but with subtle changes from major events like getting married, having a child, the child being boy or girl. Then minor events, like picking to drink water over soda or grabbing something with your left hand over your right.

These differences seem to be endless with every choice made. Some may say that all potential parallel universes that constitute reality can be referred to as a "multiverse".

If you believe that kind of thing anyway.

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When evening came, Shay and Saki left for their homes, leaving only Akira and Mami. Mami stayed for about another hour before finally deciding to leave. Mostly because if she waited any longer, she'd miss the last train home. If it hadn't been for that fact, she would've likely stayed a little longer.

As for Akira, he began doing what he could in finding more information on anything. Anything from the man Chris Decker, who claimed to be hunted by government officials, running off to Russian before being granted sanctuary from their government.

Those that came for Chris after his similar claims as Akira, Chris described them as wearing simple clothing, likely to avoid suspension. But likely they were from the European government.

Chris himself, was a man born and raised in Germany, but chose Russia to hide because he knew people there. In hopes of reuniting with his family and promising to share what he knew, people from Russia's government went to collect Chris' family, but their home was empty. His family was missing, and the home looked like it had been raided.

"If Chris is able to continue talking about this stuff, I take it the Russian government doesn't care much as long as he plays along." Akira thought to himself.

"What does that mean for me then? Would this same government come for me? What about everyone else? Mami? Shay?" Akira looked away from the computer before his eyes landed on a picture beside the computer. It was an image of Akira and Mami, he recalled the day it was taken, their first day as college students.

"Was this a mistake bringing Mami in on all of this?"

"There's still so much of this we don't even know, and yet we're messing around with it like we know what's going to happen. Is my phone... this app... able to move between time? Put me in a parallel world to the one I was in before? How did Saki remember where Shay didn't? Too many questions and no answers."

Akira dropped his head onto the desk, his forehead impact causing everything on the table to shake a bit, "I have no idea what I'm even doing or what any of this means. Why me of all people did this thing have to happen to? Couldn't this have happened to a rich person who could buy the answers? Or a poor person who could just discard it?"

Feeling his phone vibrate, Akira slowly picked up his head to see a notification from Labrys. Immediately he got up and opened it, "A new update is available." He read. This time, there was a description of the update, but it didn't matter.

The description wasn't even in proper words as it looked like someone just randomly pressed whatever keys blindfolded until satisfied. It was all numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, and other symbols on the keyboard, still ending with a period though.

"What does it matter? Accept." Akira sighed unenthusiastically as he pressed the button to allow the update.

That was the last thing Akira did before setting the phone down and leaving for the bedroom. There, he lazily dropped himself onto the bed, falling asleep minutes after, not speaking a single word through it all.

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