-12- [Entropy]

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(Unknown): "You know too much, Akira. Stop now before it's too late. Do not use the newly updated Labrys."

"The time I received those messages was only moments after Labrys finished its update. That was around 6:25 PM. Then the messages arrived at 6:26 PM. It was almost as if they were triggered by the update. Even now, it's unclear who sent the messages, or why they sent them. Was it a threat? Someone trying to warn me? Or something else completely?"

"Regardless, it was something I couldn't share with Saki or Mami, not even Shay. Coco and Miké couldn't know it either. It's directed specifically at me, why bring them into it? Then again, it's likely they're all just as likely to be targeted as well just for even knowing about the time travel methods. As for this new update..."


Looking back, Akira saw Mami waving at him from the door. He said nothing as he looked back at the view of the city. Without a word to anyone, Akira left the apartment and wandered to the roof of the building, alone with his thoughts as he processed everything that happened the night prior.

Eventually he turned completely to face Mami who looked at him with concern. Not a word was spoken by Akira as he walked to Mami who took his hands and led him back inside, "Come on, you can be sad inside." Mami said, hoping to lighten the mood.

Bringing Akira back into the apartment, Mami led him to the couch, where he sat down in silence, "What's with you?" Saki asked.

Akira looked up at Saki, seeing her and Shay looking back at him, "It's... it's nothing. I just have a lot to think about right now."

"Maybe it would be better if you got a little more sleep." Mami suggested. Akira shook his head, "Sleep isn't something I need right now Mami. It's just a lot of things I have on my mind, that's all it is."

While Mami and Shay accepted that reason, Saki still didn't seem convinced by it. Walking towards him, she got down to his eye level, "Akira did something happen? You don't seem like yourself?"

"Yeah, you've been acting differently since last night." Mami added.

Rather than explain everything, Akira simply took out his phone and opened the Labrys app, showing the trio the new feature the app had. It was the same large dial fixed into the center of the screen, "Labrys finished its update earlier last night." Akira finally said. Saki took the phone from Akira and looked over it, only slightly tempted to push it.

"It's also the first update to have proper words. It's a new version of time travel. Working just like you said it would." Akira explained, "How?" Shay asked.

"It moves the human consciousness back by however much time is needed. Putting your current consciousness into your body from several minutes, hours, or days ago. But after use, it won't work for a while. However much time you go back, it'll need half that time to cool down before it can be used again."

"Wait, you all talked about this without me?" Mami asked.

"Now we basically have a literal time machine in the palm of our hands." Saki started, "I'm not sure how your phone, of even Labrys for that matter are capable of it, but if it works how I think it does, you can basically repeat this exact same timeline over and over, change things how you want and not worry about creating more separate timelines like before."

Akira put his thumb at the top of the dial before turning it counter-clockwise. In the center, numbers began to appear. First in minutes, the least being five minutes. Then he turned it all the way around until it reached two thousand eight hundred eighty. Bringing all the way back to zero, Akira moved his thumb away. Below the dial was an options icon. Pressing that gave Akira the option of minutes and hours.

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