-16- [Paradox Breakdown]

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"The day Saki and I initially returned to was the day before I received the first unknown messages. Now, using Labrys, I've pushed us back another two days. We haven't been at this point in time, so for all I knew, these days were new to me."

"Liora's suicide still weighs heavily on me. Likely on Saki as well. But going back in time, Shay and Mami have forgotten all about it. As for the box of parts Liora left for me, I'm still uncertain of what has to be done with them. Do I just keep them? Do I put them into my computer? I don't know. I really don't know."

Looking up, Akira jumped a bit at seeing Saki looking down at him, "It's about time you looked up. I've been standing here for a while now. And what's with those parts?" Akira pushed them to Saki and she looked at them.

"These are from Liora. Is this why you pushed us back two more days?"

"Yes. Had I not, this all would've been taken by what family Liora had left, then tossed out with the trash like it was nothing. I had no choice. She wanted us to have them, for a reason. But I don't know it. Either way, Liora knew we'd be coming to this timeline. But she didn't know when."

Opening the box, Saki's eyes filled with curiosity as she picked up the various parts inside, looking over each and finding them to be in a near perfect condition. 

"These are... computer parts." Saki said, "What exactly are we supposed to do? Put them into your computer?"

"I will say this though, we might've changed something in the timelines with our recent actions, Akira." Saki started again, "We created another timeline and traveled into it with Labrys. Then the message you sent yourself in this timeline's past. They were changes big enough to split the timelines again."

"Unfortunately, while you managed to make a new timeline, it's still heading in the same direction as all the others. You've only managed to push it back."

"But that also means we're closer to the events that brought the timeline to where it is. I'd say we have four days now. Call Shay and have him come over."

"And you?"

Akira smiled as he stood up, "I'm heading out. I'll probably be back before the day ends. I'm going to see Miké for a bit."

"Alright then." Akira stopped himself and looked back to see Saki sitting on the couch, likely about to call Shay. Before she did, she noticed Akira looking at her, a small smile on his face, "If you're hoping I'll stop you, I won't. Labrys is still charging and these computer parts won't be put up until Shay arrives, Akira. Right now, after what we've experienced, I don't think anyone in the world has suffered more than us right now."

"I mean, there isn't anyone in the world like us, knowing the future, but also knowing it's something that can't be changed. No real advantage in knowing a future that can't be changed, right?" Saki laughed. Akira smiled at her, "Yeah, right."

Immediately after leaving the apartment, Akira called Miké in hopes that they'd be able to meet up. Thankfully for Akira, today was the day Miké was off from work. At a time and place she decided to set up,  Akira quickly made his way to the location she set up.

The place being a plaza just outside a train station. Meeting there, the two immediately got started talking, first with Miké. 

"Sorry, it's been too long since we last met up, Akira. I was always planning on heading back to your apartment, for certain but work got in the way." Akira shook his head at her, "I don't need any excuse. Work comes first, Miké. 

"You're too kind. Now it's your turn."

"M-my turn...? For what?"

Miké's face turned serious, "You haven't been going to the café either, Akira. Spending your money at other places I bet? You're awful."

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