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In the darkness of a moonless night, silent wingbeats carried a small thunder of dragons away.
"We have to keep going." One growled under his breath, eyes narrowed in determination. "If we can only make it to the volcanoes and the city there, we'll be safe. We'll be free."
Free. The dragonets flying with the group had never been free before.
A thunderous roar echoed through the cliffs behind them.
"Fly faster!" The dragon at the head screeched. He twisted and saw one of the dragons lagging behind. "Thunderclap, hurry up!"
"I can't, Longscar!" The dragonet wheezed. "I'm flying as fast as I can!"
Longscar growled and turned around, grabbed Thunderclap, hugging her close to his chest. "Fly!" He snarled.
The volcanoes were in sight when something slammed into Longscar, sending Thunderclap spiraling forward with a screech of panic.
Longscar twisted and snarled, spreading his claws and lashing out at the SpectreWing who'd attacked him.
The SpectreWing snarled and slashed Longscar's cheek. Longscar screeched in pain and clawed at the SpectreWing's stomach. The SpectreWing let out a screech and Longscar opened her jaws, bellowing a loud, thunderous roar.
The SpectreWing clawed at Longscar's face, but he jerked backwards. Still, he felt claws catch his eye and he screeched in pain. Through his functional eye, he saw purple blood spray and fall through the rain. Thunder boomed and Longscar slashed at the SpectreWing and snarled as he flung him away. He turned and saw his fellow StormWings fighting for their lives. Several had fallen and purple blood stained the SpectreWings' claws.
No more playing nice, Longscar thought. He lunged at another SpectreWing and roared in their face. He snarled in satisfaction as he saw the look of pain on the SpectreWing's face.
The SpectreWing snarled and lunged forwards before Longscar could prepare himself. Claws closed on his windpipe and Longscar's jaws parted in a gasp. The SpectreWing snarled and ripped Longscar's throat, purple blood dotting his claws. The last thing Longscar saw was the look of triumph on the SpectreWing's face before he fell.

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