Chapter 27

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"No." Mesos growled, "Absolutely not. I am not going to go celebrate the cold season with some nosy, sniveling dragonet."

"Oh, come on!" Tarantula hummed, "It'll be fun!"

Hurricane fiddled with his bracelet nervously. Mesos and Tarantula argued in front of him, as they had been the entire time. Spirit gently rested her talons on his shoulder. "I'll come with you."

"Thanks." Hurricane offered a tight smile, but he couldn't help but still be a bit mad about when she'd yelled at him.

"You're coming with us, or else I'm going to knock you out and drag you there." Tarantula decided.

"So you're coming anyway." Igneous agreed.

Mesos growled and rolled her eyes. "I hate you all so much."

"Love you, too!" Tarantula hummed.

"Hate." Mesos snarled.

"You pronounced, 'I love you so much Tarantula, you are my love and inspiration,' wrong."

"Your face is wrong." Mesos snapped.

Tarantula clapped a talon to his chest dramatically. "Ouch! That would hurt so much if I cared!"

Mesos growled and Hurricane smiled. Even if everything was changing, the one thing that would always stay the same was the endless arguments between Mesos and Tarantula.

Mesos roller her eyes. "If we're going to go to this moons-basted party, we may as well go now."

"Alright." Hurricane nodded. "Let's go, then."


They reached the palace where the party was being held and Hurricane noticed that the gates were open with paint all over them, Hurricane assumed that it would wash off easily, the queen probably wouldn't allow it if it didn't. They walked in, Tarantula squealed with excitement and Mesos sighed. Hurricane looked around and saw colorful paintings and even dragonets running around with paint on their faces.

"Wow," Mesos said faintly.

That proved to be a mistake as Tarantula literally jumped at the opportunity to say something.

"Aww, you do have a soul!" He exclaimed

"Shut up before I break your spine" She snapped back, and proceeded to try to step on his tails, only for Tarantula to leap out of the way.

"Would you two stop it!" Igneous snapped, "I had it up to here with your arguments, we came here to have a nice time so we are going to have a nice time." She bared her teeth and brandished her claws.

Tarantula moved over closer to Mesos and scrunched his wings together, Mesos tried to get away from him, but couldn't.

"Get your overgrown spider away from me." Mesos snapped at Hurricane.

"Oh come on, he's your friend, couldn't you get along with him for once." Spirit answered.

Hurricane looked at the scenery more and started to smell something, this time, it was raw smoke, it smelt like something was cooking.

"You guys smell that! It smells like something to eat!" He rushed through the festive area to where the smell was coming from, only to end up in the throne room and saw prey being given out to dragons by dragons that looked like volunteers, the prey looked roasted and even a little burnt. He looked over to see a fire in the back with prey sitting near it. He managed to obtain a roasted deer, it felt hot in his claws but he was determined to get it to his friends, who turned out to be on the second story of the structure.

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