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In the shadows of a tall, rigid palace, a pale SpectreWing paced, illuminated by the dim moonlight. A silver crown glistened on her head and her silvery blue eyes were narrowed in concern.

"The troops have returned!" A small SpectreWing skittered up to her. "Commander Smalltrout has news!"

"Tell him to come to me." The SpectreWing growled and the smaller one scampered off, soon returning, followed by a SpectreWing that had broad shoulders and was a color darker than any SpectreWing should be.

"Your Majesty," The SpectreWing bowed, sweeping his wings out elegantly. "I have news from the battle."

"Report, Smalltrout." The Royal SpectreWing demanded.

Years of serving Queen Phantom had taught Smalltrout that dodging or delaying the message would only make Phantom angry, and after climbing up to his rank he didn't feel like being executed. Still, he might be executed anyways. A loss like this hadn't happened since...ever.

"We lost all of the StormWings at that village." Smalltrout growled solemnly.

"WHAT?!" Phantom's eyes sharpened with rage and contempt. "Why?" Her voice came out as a single, piercing hiss.

"There were so many." Smalltrout said, "More than I could count. At least fifty came to attack and the freed StormWings fought with them. We lost many ranks, both soldiers and those living at the village. Almost all of them died."

Phantom sighed and turned to the messenger SpectreWing. "Find out who has died and send word to their families. Tell them that food and resources will be sent to their homes."

The messenger bobbed his head and dashed off, and Phantom growled.

"Where did they come from?" Phantom demanded and Smalltrout relayed to her the reports of an attack outside of the volcano, where an entire watch camp was taken and slain.

Phantom snarled in frustration. "Did they take any prisoners?"

Smalltrout shook his head. "No, but there was a SpectreWing with them."

"With them?" Phantom narrowed her eyes. "As in a traitor?"

"Looked like a dragonet." Smalltrout shrugged. "White scales, blue webbing, pale blue underscales."

Phantom paused. "And did this dragonet leave the battle alive?"

Smalltrout shrugged again. "I didn't see."

Phantom's eyes narrowed in thought. "Thank you, Smalltrout. After your soldiers have recovered, have them circle the volcanoes. We won't let an attack like this happen again. And tell Ghostly to come see me."

"Very well." Smalltrout dipped his head and turned, leaving. Not long after, a pure white SpectreWing walked in. "Phantom?"

"Brother." Phantom hummed, "I want you to send more scouts to the volcanoes. Find a way in. There's been a recent attack on a village and we lost all the StormWings. We need to end this."

"We will, Phantom." Ghostly laughed. "Calm down."

"I will be calm when the StormWings are where they are supposed to be." She muttered. "After everything we went through, we cannot let them through again. I'll have them all wiped out if need be."

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