Chapter Eleven

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Hurricane knew something was off about Tarantula; His energy, his comments, the strange way he'd glared at the StormWing, but this was a lot more than he expected.
He sighed and leapt up onto a pillar to get away from the fight as Tarantula and the dragon fought, biting and clawing at each other. They sprung away from each other momentarily, and it looked like the StormWing was losing.
Out of the blue, a new dragonet leapt at Tarantula but Igneous jumped the new dragonet, swatting them away easily. They thumped to the ground and Hurricane heard something snap. The dragonet tried to get up, but couldn't and flopped back down. Eventually, they stopped breathing.
This caused an outburst. Several dragons leapt up, roaring in fury at the death. The StormWing leapt at Tarantula again, but he was ready. He caught the StormWing mid-air and slammed him into the ground, sending him rolling away. Hurricane peered over at him, realizing that one of his horns was chipped. Tarantula leapt at him again and grabbed him, once again ramming his head into something; this time, the wall. Hurricane winced as he saw the dragonet's left horn snap, clattering to the ground.
The dragons in the room began dashing towards Igneous and Tarantula, and Igneous snarled, spinning and hitting one of them with her tail and flinging them into the wall. Hurricane sighed; he had to help them, right? He growled and spread his wings, diving down and extending his claws as he grabbed one of the dragons attacking Tarantula. The dragon snarled and hooked her claws into Hurricane's stomach, flinging him right into the chaos. Hurricane flailed around, trying to get control of his descent. He couldn't tell which way was up! He saw dragons fighting all over; a few even fighting against each other, despite not being from Hurricane's friend group.
He screeched as he felt himself hit the ground and the dragonet dove after him, snarling. Hurricane screeched and sneezed again, a ball of electricity hitting the dragonet and blasting her backwards. He could tell that it obviously wasn't a StormWing.
Then...why is she here?
Before he could think it over, he was tossed across the room once more. Hurricane yelped and hooked his talons into the floor, and part of it ripped up.
As he ripped up the floorboard, the dragonet slammed into it and sent both of them rolling. Hurricane quickly hopped to his talons to see that a fire had started and the dragons were still wrestling. The room grew dark with smoke and Hurricane couldn't see, which only added to the chaos. Hurricane screeched in pain as claws dug into the base of his tail and he spun, snarling and clawing at the dragon who must've attacked him. Claws slashed at his neck and grabbed at his horns, and Hurricane wheezed from the smoke. He felt electricity burning in his throat from the desperation and his scales began to glow, showing him the dragons around him. He didn't release the electricity, instead keeping it inside of him for a light source. He slashed at one of the dragons, sparks coming from his claws. The dragonet screamed as Hurricane's claws scored across his eye, singing it and leaving burn marks.
Hurricane hissed in satisfaction and spun, wacking the dragon again with his tail. This sent the dragonet by his tail flying away and Hurricane leapt at the last dragnet, claws extended. This dragonet ducked, however, sending him flying into another dragonet. Still, after realizing that this was one of the dragons attacking Igneous and Tarantula, he dug his claws into their stomach, leaving burn marks.
The dragon screeched and twisted, trying to get away. Hurricane shrieked as somebody slammed into him, using his same tactic. Hurricane let out a shriek as talons scored against his chest, leaving a singe mark. He writhed as he felt a burning sensation creep through his scales, spreading pain through him. Eventually, he managed to get up, looking around at the chaos and battle raging around him. Hurricane snarled and spun. The smoke had, for the most part, thinned, and he could see his friends. He shakily spread his wings, taking off and whizzing past Tarantula and Igneous, who were fighting side-by-side.
"Let's go!" He hissed as he flew past, banking to say the same to Mesos and Spirit. He rose higher to find that Cloud and Mist were safely resting on one of the ledges; Mist had a bad wound on her shoulder.
Tarantula landed beside them, laughing. "I definitely won that."
"What were you thinking?!" Mesos snapped. "Look what you've done!"
"I was trying to treat my newest friends to breakfast!" Tarantula huffed. "It's not my fault that some stranger decided to be rude."
"I am not your or anybody else's friend." Mesos snarled, "These four are my captives!"
"Sure, sugarbun." Tarantula flicked his tails. "Where are we going next?"
Hurricane sighed. "We may as well go talk to Stormwatcher. He asked for us, and now seems like a good time to get away from the chaos."
"Alright." Spirit grunted. She seemed generally unharmed, though she had a few minor scratches on her leg and tail. "Let's go, then."
"Let's go." Hurricane sighed and nodded.
"Wait, what happened?" Spirit asked. She looked like she wanted to say something else, but didn't.
"Nothing." Hurricane said, despite the faint burning sensation coming from the singed scales around his wound. "Let's go,."
"But-" Hurricane ignored Spirit's plea as he climbed into the air, determination filling him as he flew up and through one of the windows. The chaos had extended to outside, where medics and worried children and parents were. Hurricane felt a twinge of guilt and glanced over at Tarantula, who seemed relatively happy.
"Why would you do that?" Hurricane asked. "Some dragonets might be orphaned now."
The SovoahWing winced, then looked up. "Loads of dragons I knew died from starvation because of selfish dragons like that one, and I won't let it happen again. I did the right thing."
Hurricane narrowed his eyes at Tarantula, and he heard him repeat, "I did the right thing," Under his breath.
"Maybe." Hurricane sighed, setting his gaze forward as he flew. "Do you know where Stormwatcher lives? Do you know him?"
"Oh, the dragon who told you I'd die?" Hurricane was startled; hadn't Tarantula been away when Stormwatcher had told him this?
"Y-Yeah." Hurricane shook his wings and Tarantula nodded. "Yes, I know where he and his special lady live. Follow me!"
"That was...dark." Hurricane muttered under his breath, following him as he dove.

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