Chapter Seven

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Hurricane growled as he flew. They'd been flying for two days now, and he was incredibly bored.
Spirit was avoiding him, Cloud was set on getting to the volcano as soon as possible, and Mist was still being odd.
He narrowed his eyes at the distance. He could see the outline of the volcanoes, but they were still about a day's flight away. He sighed and let his head hang.
"I've never been so bored in my life! At least with the SpectreWings, we had something to do."
"Oh, shush." Spirit snarled.
Hurricane opened his mouth to reply when he was suddenly hit with so much force that he cannoned into the ground. He thought he heard something crack. He momentarily panicked before realizing that it was just a few branches beneath him.
A dark dragonet stood before him, claws glistening and eyes narrowed in annoyance.
She was knocked over by Spirit, who moved with startling speed. The dragonet turned to lash at her, but she twisted and slashed at her face, turning and fleeing. Still, as she flew off, her tail slapped the dragonet in the nose. The dragonet lunged, snarling, but Spirit was already in the sky and circling back for round two. Hurricane, recovering from his shock, decided to join in the fight. He snarled and felt electricity build up in his throat. Hurricane opened his jaws...and sneezed. Small balls of lightning shot towards the dragonet, who turned and screamed as they slammed full-force into her. Above, Spirit slowed her descent and circled back up, hovering and watching.
Hurricane kept sneezing. And kept sneezing. And kept sneezing. And it continued until finally, the dragon backed up, growling in surrender.
Hurricane snapped his jaws shut, wondering if this counted as a success or a disaster.
"Who are you?" Spirit growled, landing and jumping up and down, her fin spreading threateningly. As she did, her wing brushed Hurricane's and he felt a jolt. Spirit hissed and jumped back.
"There's still electricity in the air, be careful." Mist warned. "We should be cautious; that's a CometWing."
"You're outnumbered. By a lot." Hurricane warned her. "Tell us who you are!"
The CometWing snarled. "Why should I? I'm going to take you prisoner, I'm taking you all as captives! You're fugitives."
"Really?" Hurricane growled and felt himself glowing. "It doesn't seem so."
The CometWing narrowed her eyes. "Fine." She growled. "Mesos. Don't wear it out."
"Mesos." Hurricane nodded. "Why did you attack us?"
"Because you're fugitives, and I'm getting paid." Mesos studied her talons.
" you know how to get into the StormWing kingdom?" Mist asked.
"No." Mesos huffed. "Why would I?"
"We could show you." Hurricane said quickly, before Spirit could get suspicious.
"Oh, yeah, great plan." Cloud grumbled, "Show every tribe how to get into the StormWing's one safe haven."
"I wouldn't tell." Mesos' eyes shone with interest.
"Come with us." Mist suggested. Spirit grunted, obviously not happy, but the group ignored her.
"Fine." Mesos rolled her eyes, "But keep in mind that you are my captives, not the other way around. Give me orders and I'll snap your necks."
"Looks like we've found you a friend." Hurricane nudged Spirit, who glared at him. "Compare me to her again, and I'll slay you."
"Oh, I don't have to." Hurricane smiled. "You do that yourself."
Spirit barred her teeth at him, turned, and took to the sky. Hurricane watched her leave, grinning. Finally, he had something to hold over her head. Maybe now, she'd stop calling him blueberry.

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