Chapter Two

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Hurricane sighed as he sat down. Finally, he was done with work for the day. Still, his brain was still churning with thoughts and worries.
What would happen to Cloud? Hurricane's worries kept him up all night. He blinked as he saw a small flicker of brightness outside of his window. He shared a shack with Mist and Cloud, it was the only place of refuge they could take. The sun had already set and Mist and Cloud still were out planting the seeds. The shack was big enough for them to have their own space, but not big enough to fully outstretch their wings. Cloud suddenly burst in. Without saying a word, he plopped down beside him. He was probably upset about what happened earlier, Mist was pretty good at making someone feel guilty. Cloud wasn't the kind of dragon to be down for long about something so it surprised Hurricane to see him like this.
"So... what are you gonna do now-"
"Stop talking, does it look like I'm in the mood?" He hissed with malice.
"It's not my fault you're mad, stop being salty." Hurricane said, trying to be as mean as Cloud.
Cloud huffed and after an abnormally long pause Hurricane heard snoring. Sooner or later, Hurricane himself fell asleep. That was, until he was woken up by a loud crash. He shuffled awake expecting to see Noviseer. Instead, the door wasn't open.
"H-Hello?" Hurricane stuttered, trying to be brave enough to speak.
No one answered. Hurricane opened the door and selt hunger surge through him. When did I last eat? He thought to himself. Probably two days ago, that old sack of bones would never feed us if we didn't need it, he thought ruefully. He walked slowly around the area. He could take whatever made such a loud noise, right? That's when he heard ruffing leaves. He shivered. Maybe it was a who? He followed whatever it was through the forest. He couldn't see a thing he strolled through the forest and reminisced about the first couple of times he'd been there.
It was a rainy day and Hurricane was running through the forest, the mud squelching beneath his feet. He remembered getting to a clearing, what he didn't want to remember though was that he'd been being chased by other stormwings. It was when he was young and new to the system of labor he'd been assigned. He'd been bullied and pushed around for being a try-hard. After he'd gotten to the clearing under a tree the dragons gave up and left him alone. That's when he had heard panting other than his own, he looked around only to see two other stormwings. They had stared at each other for a bit and he had decided to break the silence.
"What happened?" he squeaked.
"A better question," The purple dragonet had said, "Is what happened to you?"
"J-Just some trouble with the others." Hurricane had stuttered, petrified.
"Well next time they bother you, make sure I'm around". The purple dragonet then bolted off.
Hurricane didn't even get to ask about the scars on the purple dragonet.
The next couple of days the dragonet introduced himself as Cloud and he introduced Hurricane to Mist. The rest was history. None of that mattered now. He kept moving through the forest and heard an abrupt screech. He froze, paranoid of what would happen if he moved. He heard struggling not too far away from where he was. If I turn back now then maybe I could get back before sunrise and live? He decided against his better judgment and looked around to see where the noise was coming from. He got to a massive tree and the screeching was coming from the other side of it. The was big enough for him, Cloud, and Mist to climb up without touching each other. It wasn't as tall as he thought it would be, though. He must've been too loud in his approach, because he heard the struggling stop.
"H-H-Hello?" Hurricane stuttered, trying to sound brave.
No one answered, so he kept moving around the massive tree only to see a dragon, but this dragon didn't have any yellow scales, not even any purple scales. Surely not he thought to himself his legs were now quivering. The slender dragon had pale blue scales speckled on her tail all the way to her snout. She was stuck in a massive thicket. He saw where she'd gotten caught on one of the thick branches.
That's when it hit him.
There was a SpectreWing dragonet caught in a bush less than a short flight from his home.

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