Chapter 15

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"WHAT?!" Spirit screeched, leaping to her feet. This woke everybody else up.
"We have to leave. Now." Hurricane said firmly, although he was trembling. What about Thunderbird?
He turned to Taratula. "Get everybody out. And I swear, if you get anybody killed, moons help me I will-"
"Okay." Tarantula nodded, looking uncharastically serious. "Go save your mother."
Hurricane didn't even pause to ask how Tarantula knew, he simply turned and spread his wings, shooting off into the crowded hallways, which were filled with fleeing dragons.
Where is my mother? Hurricane scanned the crowd. There.
Thunderbird was helping Barak, who seemed to have fallen over. Hurricane glide over to her as she finally lifted the little dragonet to his feet.
"We have to go. Now." Hurricane insisted.
"I know another way out, it'll be less crowded." Barak said. "Follow me!"
As they raced through the corridor, Hurricane heard a loud, voluminous BOOM. He looked up to see a large boulder tumbling towards them and screeched, shoving Thunderbird and Barak forwards. The boulder landed behind them with a crash, sending debris up into the air. The panic set in and Hurricane started sprinting, though trying to keep Thunderbird ahead of him. Her leg was slowing her down, however, and Hurricane felt a sense of foreboding creep over him.
"Go!" Hurricane shouted, seeing the opening up ahead. Barak looked back and then jumped through the hole and Hurricane heard him yell, "Hurry!"
And then there was another loud rumble and the tunnel behind them collapsed, causing a large boulder to fall and block off a large portion of the escape route. Hurricane growled and leapt at it, his breath leaving him as he hit the rock. He sat down for a moment to regain his breath and looked helplessly at the opening. It was possible that he might be able to squeeze through, but Thunderbird was too big.
I'm not leaving her here. I won't lose her now! I've only just found her!
Hurricane looked back at Thunderbird. "We have to dig out."
"I'm not sure if we can, sweetness." Thunderbird said, her voice warm. She spoke softly, but her voice echoed through the collapsed tunnel.
Hurricane stared at her in shock and sat down, so that he wouldn't be trembling as much.
"The feeling you told me about is love." Thunderbird murmured softly. "It seems you've developed feelings for that wonderful SpectreWing."
Hurricane stared at Thunderbird. "Wh-What?"
"Shh, don't dwell on it now." Thunderbird murmured. "You have to ask me questions now."
"Why?" Hurricane squeaked, feeling like a hatchling again.
Thunderbird held his gaze. "Because I'm here to answer your questions. If you have them, ask them now."
"A-Alright." Hurricane murmured. "Mom...who is my father?"
"Your father?" Thunderbird's gaze grew distant. "I never did tell you, did I?"
"No." Hurricane shook his head.
"Well, I suppose it's now or never." Thunderbird sighed. "I'm not sure if he's here or not, because I thought he'd come to visit me, but...Hurricane, your father is a dragon named Stormwatcher."
Hurricane sat still, shock hitting him like a brick wall. In his momentary pause, he felt warmth coming from the tunnel.
"I believe it's time for you to leave." Thunderbird said softly, her voice filled with love.
"'You'?" Hurricane stared at Thunderbird. "Wait-"
"I love you, Hurricane." Thunderbird said.
And then he was shoved out of the hole.

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