Chapter 19

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As Hurricane flew towards the plateau, he had serious anxiety. He knew he could bail now, it was his idea to be doing any of this. He knew he couldn't turn back, because after all of his friends had tagged along, and then there was Spirit. I can't let her think that I'm a hatchling, I need her to see that I'm tough, tough enough to face this. As he thought that his stomach lurched and Hurricane threw up mid-flight. Spirit noticed immediately and flew over to see what was going on.

"Whoa, you um, you seem to be having some problems, everything okay?" Spirit said hesitantly, almost like she was nervous too.

"Well, this is just a little nerve racking, you know, a lot of things happened around here, things I don't like remembering all the time." Hurricane said with little to no soul.

Spirit looked a little shaken by the sentence, but Hurricane couldn't ease what fear she had, but what he said was the truth.

"Oh, well at least things got better." Spirit said trying to act like Hurricane hadn't just scared her.

DId get better? Hurricane glanced over at Igneous, Tarantula, Mesos, and Mist. Then back at Spirit. It definitely did. Especially because of you, Hurricane admitted to himself, He had been through a lot. He knew that would just be the start though, as this was his life now, like it or not.

"Time to land in the forest, all spy-like, then we'll move into the area, hopefully without the threat of death, and then-" Tarantula's monologue was cut off by Hurricane, he was surprised he was brave enough to do that.

"And then we leave." Hurricane said sternly.

"Ah, fine. I guess this won't be the first time we do something like this, right?" Tarantula said happily.

"Hopefully it is, this guy is insane." Mesos grunted next to Hurricane.

They landed in the forest, gracefully. That's what Hurricane wanted to say but their actual entry was far from it. First, Tarantula crashed into Hurricane, then Mesos and Spirit did the same. Hurricane felt wings wrapped around him and heard Igneous' voice, but he could make out what she said. They crashed into trees, Hurricane felt sharp pain hit his spine. He felt Igneous' wings around him for the first minute of impact, but they were janked away not long after. Hurricane opened his eyes, he hadn't realized they'd been shut ever since Tarantula crashed into him. He staggered to his feet to see that he was on the forest floor. Spirit was in a tree and Mesos was in another. Even Tarantula was on his back, out like everyone else was. Mist was descending into the area the way Hurricane wished they all could've.

"Whoa, what happened here?" Mist asked Hurricane softly, she looked around and stopped her stare on Hurricane.

"That overgrown gnat crashed into me." Hurricane mumbled, clearly not quiet enough as Tarantula snapped awake and proceeded to tell off Hurricane.

"I save you from a SpectreWing, and this is the thanks I get? You better be less boring on this mission to make up for that." Tarantula flipped over and in a single movement ran up to Hurricane.

"Specterwing? I don't remember seeing a-" Hurricane's panicked sentence was cut short.

"You really are an idiot," Tarantula's voice changed to his terrifying murder voice. "Listen, dummy, there was a moonblasting SpecterWing just about to see you and your eye scalding scales. If it wasn't for me, you would be dead a lot sooner than you'd need to be."
Tarantula soon returned to his happy-go-lucky face.

"Now then, how about we get back to our ultra-awesome spy mission." Tarantula added in like what he just said wasn't a death threat.

Hurricane looked over at Spirit and Mesos to see both of them observing the whole conversation.

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