Chapter 24

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Hurricane had paced in the hallway for a long time when Thunderclap walked up to him.

"Hey, dragonet." She growled. "We're getting ready to go."

"Oh-alright." Hurricane blinked. "I should go get my friends."

"Go on, then." Thunderclap rolled her eyes. "But be quick about it, we're on a tight schedule."

Hurricane nodded and turned, taking off and flying low to the ground so that he could get around quicker.

Eventually, he found Tarantula, Igneous, and Mesos. Tarantula had a spear strapped to his back, Igneous hadn't taken anything, and Mesos had several daggers.

"We'll go get Spirit." Tarantula said, "You get Cloud and Mist."

"Alright." Hurricane nodded and spread his wings, beating them quickly to gain speed. He dashed through the hallways and slowed just as he neared a wall, losing enough momentum to cling onto the wall without hurting himself...too much. He quickly hooked his claws into the small air bubble holes in the wall, and it was obvious that the obsidian here was once lava by the large gaps that must've been where bubbles formed.

Mist yelped and Silverfang looked over her shoulder. They were sitting on the floor with various concoctions laid out in front of them, while Cloud napped next to them.

"Time to go!" Hurricane yelled.

"Alright." Mist nodded and gently shocked Cloud, who blinked away, yawning. "Huh? What?"

"We're leaving, Cloud." Mist hummed and Cloud's eyes widened. "Alright, then, what are we waiting for?"

"You, knucklehead!" Hurricane shouted playfully, then sprung off the wall and started speeding back towards the main entrance. He landed clumsily and did an involuntary summersault before skidding to a stop in front of his friends.

"Wow, such a graceful landing." Mesos said grumpily. Hurricane could hear Cloud and Mist giggling behind him.

"Come on, dragonets, let's go." Thunderclap growled. "We don't have time for this."


The StormWings took off into the night under cover of darkness, and Hurricane looked up to see a storm approaching on the horizon. He heard Thunderclap's hiss of triumph. "If that thing reaches the SpectreWings, we'll be the luckiest dragons on Plycana."

Hurricane watched it warily and heard shouting below.

"The scouting camps know we're here." A gray dragon next to Thunderclap growled. "They're coming up to us now."

"Looks like we're about to get first blood." Thunderclap snarled. "Let them come up to us, they're in our element. We outnumber them, too, by the looks of it." She turned to a smaller group of StormWings. "You! Go down and surround them, make sure that they don't call backup."

The StormWings nodded, eyes wide, and dove, expertly surrounding the unsuspecting SpectreWings. Eventually, the SpectreWings came up and met the StormWings, and battle rang out around Hurricane in the blink of an eye, started by the rumble of thunder in the distance.

A SpectreWing crashed into him and Hurricane roared, letting electric charge build up in his throat before hurling it at the SpectreWing, who cannoned back, screeching. Hurricane took a quick look around to see that there were about fifteen SpectreWings to combat the thirty StormWings above them and the twenty StormWings below them. They were quickly overpowered and killed, and Hurricane turned away, a feeling of dishonor curling in his stomach. The SpectreWings hadn't stood a chance, and it just felt wrong.

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