Chapter Six

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The next morning, Spirit was down and out for the majority of the day.
"Spent all night trying to fish." Spirit grumbled.
"Let me guess;" Hurricane said slowly, trying to rub it in. "You didn't catch a single one?"
"Shut up." Spirit growled. "Go away."
"Let's keep moving." Cloud grumbled, "Before we get caught."
Hurricane nodded and spread his wings, taking off. He waited for the others to take flight before flying towards the volcanos. They were closer than ever to freedom. They were only able to fly so far in one day before they (Spirit) got hungry. Hurricane began to think she wasn't used to being outdoors like this because she needed so much time to rest and so much food.
Hurricane snorted. Maybe we're just used to going longer without food or rest.
Hurricane stretched and lifted his chin, looking up at the open sky. He spread his wings and took to the sky, breathing in the air as it sped past him. Flying might have been Hurricane's new favorite thing. It was one thing to be free, it was another to feel free. And now, Hurricane had both.

Later on in the night, Mist had managed to rub some sticks together and start a fire, which Spirit had stayed far away from.
"So what did you do to make Noviseer so mad?" Hurricane asked.
Cloud shrugged. "I ate his sheep."
"You-You WHAT?!" Hurricane's eyes widened. "I-"
"Don't worry, I know what I did wasn't right." Cloud stated
"Maybe it was the right thing to do," Hurricane said slowly.
Cloud gave a confused look so Hurricane increased on the topic.
"I mean, Mist can give you all the dirty looks she wants but if it wasn't for that then we wouldn't be here, would we?" Hurricane spoke in his most positive voice.
Cloud didn't say anything, but he gave a shy smile.
"Okay, okay we get it, you two are charming, now get some sleep." Mist said, trying to act bossy but dissolving into laughter.
They eventually settled down and near the fire, their little camp was near a massive tree and shallow river, deep enough for a dragon to stand in. It was actually the same river where Spirit tried to catch something, but upstream. Later that night, Hurricane was shaken awake by Mist.
"Hrrrmph?" He grumbled, shuffling to his feet.
"I think our little friend needs some help." Mist said this with the biggest smile on her face.
"Huh?" Hurricane said, still half asleep.
"Just follow me." Mist beckoned over him with her talon.
They walked over to the river and Hurricane wasn't too surprised by what he saw. There, Spirit was hopping around claws outstretched trying to fish. Him and Mist were a distance away so Spirit couldn't have heard them from where they were.
"And you brought me here, why?" Hurricane asked.
"She's your friend," Mist said matter of factly, "Plus, I already tried to help and she threatened to snap my neck, so there's that."
Hurricane sighed, "Alright, let me see what I can do."
He walked up to Spirit, and unsurprisingly, immediately was yelled at.
"Would you stop sneaking up behind me? It's weird, creepy and annoying." Spirit stopped trying to catch the fish, just to yell at him.
"It just looked like you needed-"
"That nosy gray scaled stormwing brought you here, didn't she?" Spirit shot before Hurricane could even finish.
He heard the bushes rustling behind him.
"Well, you look like you do need help." Hurricane persisted.
"I sure don't. Get away from me now." Spirit whipped around and water splashed all over Hurricane. If he wasn't awake then, he sure was now. He decided to still stay around. He walked to the side of the river and lifted his tail. Spirit had gone back to splashing around so she didn't see as he plopped his tail in the river and sent a shock to it. Hurricane was surprised how easy it was to make the shock wave. He had thought it would be difficult, almost impossible...but it was effortless. Spirit jumped out of the water and yelped. She leaped onto the riverbank, once she was on solid ground, she began convulsing for a minute or two. Whoops. Hurricane thought warily.
"I once ripped a walrus apart, just for being loud, so imagine what gonna happen to-" Spirit started.
"Look," Hurricane said, "I got you your snack."
Spirit stopped talking and looked down, there were fish at her feet.
He gave a smile and she looked away from him. Maybe because it was dark out, and he couldn't make out the expression on her face, but he thought he saw shame flicker across her gaze. Then she growled and turned to walk away.
"Every time I see you, you make me sad." Hurricane murmured.
"Good." Spirit called over her shoulder.
Hurricane sighed and watched as Spirit walked off.

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