Chapter Four

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Hurricane awoke to a grumbling Cloud and a concerned Mist.
"What's going on?" Hurricane asked. Mist met his gaze with wide eyes. "Cloud screwed up again. Noviseer said that he was going to replace him tomorrow."
"I'm scared!" Cloud whimpered. "What if they really do kill me?"
Hurricane's heart thumped in his chest. "We have to find a way to escape."
"When?" Cloud asked. "If we go in broad daylight, we'll be caught!"
"And there's no doubt that the SpectreWings have enchanted the bands to tell them when we escape." Mist said. "It's impossible!"
"We'll go tonight." Hurricane planned. "We'll find a sharp rock and hit the bands until they break. All we have to do is get a safe distance, at least for now. We'll make it to the StormWing village in the volcanos."
"It's heavily guarded," Mist growled, "There's no way we'll make it."
"Whether we make it or not doesn't matter!" Cloud squeaked. "We have to find a way out!"
Hurricane nodded. "Tonight." He growled. "Mist, watch him. If they try to take him, you two go ask Noviseer what you're supposed to be doing and sneak back here."
"Alright." Mist nodded. "We're off for the day, so this shouldn't be too hard."
Cloud was trembling and had wrapped his wings around himself.
"We'll get you out of this," Hurricane growled, "Even if its the last thing we do. We won't let them get you, Cloud."
Cloud looked doubtful. "Alright..."

A day of working later, the sun was setting and it was time to put things into motion. If there was any time to act, it was now.
Hurricane spared a glance up at the sky. Soon, they'd be flying. one of those stars getting bigger?
In fact, it was. It seemed to be getting closer, until Hurricane realized that it was in fact not a star, but instead, it was the SpectreWing he'd freed the other day. He wasn't sure whether to be hopeful or wary.
"There's a SpectreWing coming!" Mist hissed.
"I know." Hurricane said through his teeth, quickly filling them on how he'd freed the SpectreWing from a thicket the other day. Mist's eyes widened and Cloud blinked, looking hopeful.
The SpectreWing landed in front of them. "You helped me, so I'll help you, I guess." She unfurled her talon to reveal a key and Hurricane's eyes widened. "Wow! Thank you!"
"Yeah, whatever." The SpectreWing rolled her eyes. "Can I at least know who I'm making the horrible decision to free?"
"Hurricane." Hurricane nodded. "That's Cloud and Mist. Who're you?"
The SpectreWing narrowed her eyes. She let out an irritated hiss that sounded something like, "Spirit."
"Spirit, great." Hurricane nodded. "Let's-"
"Woah, not here!" Spirit hissed. "Do you want me to get arrested? Go into the forest."
"Oi!" Noviseer barked at them. Hurricane jumped. "What're you doing over there?"
"They were getting hungry, so I'm watching them." Spirit said casually. Noviseer huffed. "Be quick."
Hurricane's heart thumped in his chest. Were they finally free?
"You're glowing." Spirit informed him.
"Oh." Hurricane blinked and tried to calm down. "Sorry."
Spirit rolled her eyes and led them into the forest. Hurricane tensed as she slid the key into the lock on the band around his tail. He twisted it and it clicked, falling off. Hurricane winced as he saw the scale below; they were matted and unclean. Spirit cringed and moved on to remove the band around his neck, where the scales there were the same. Hurricane felt electricity build in his throat, panicked for a moment, and managed to make it flicker out before anything had happened.
"Hey, watch it!" Spirit barked " I don't feel like having electric burns, or being arrested".
Cloud looked like he was ready to claw out Spirit's eyes. Spirit glared at him. "What's the look for, purple face?"
"His name is Cloud." Hurricane said in his most docile voice.
Cloud simply growled and lashed his tail.
Mist leaned to Hurricane's side.
"Was this the idea you had?" She whispered.
Not very though as Spirit soon lashed her tail and muttered something like "I'm not doing this, I'm not doing this, I AM NOT DOING THIS."
Cloud leaned towards her. "You're doing this."
Spirit tried to lash at him but he took two hops back.
"Fine, but don't think you're out of the woods yet." Spirit murmured.
They made their way to the forest and soon were soon deep in it.
"What if Noviseer comes to look for us?" Msit asked.
"We'll be long gone by then." Spirit huffed.
"'We'?" Hurricane tilted his head.
"You have to show me to the StormWing village."
"What?" Hurricane snorted. "No, we had a deal! I saved you, and you saved us. We're even."
"Yess, but I saved three dragons." Spirit growled. "Plus, you saved me from a bush. I saved you from slavery.You owe me however you slince it."
Now, even Hurricane wanted to lash out at the Specterwing, but for whatever reason he couldn't. He didn't even know where the entrance to the StormWing village was!
"Fine." He growled. Mist shot him a look, but Hurricane decided to ignore it. At least, for now. "We'll show you how to get in, as long as you don't turn us in."
"Alright, then." Spirit nodded. "Let's go."

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