Chapter 25

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When Hurricane woke up, there were a lot of dead SpectreWings nearby.

His friends were huddled near him and he heard ringing loud in his ears, loud enough to block out any other sound. Spirit was very clearly saying something to Mist, but Hurricane could only see her mouth moving, the ringing filling his ears.

Everybody looked terrified and even Mesos looked worried. Eventually, however, the ringing faded and Hurricane mustered the strength to lift his head, which throbbed.

"Hurricane!" Spirit gasped. "Hurricane, you're alive! Thank the skies, Hurricane, if you ever die again I will kill you!"

"I didn't die." Hurricane rasped.

"Mist had to zap you back to life, you did too die!" Spirit yelled.

"He did not." Mist sighed, "He just...shut down for a bit."

"Is the battle over?" Hurricane asked.

"Just about." Mist looked up and to the distance. "Thunderclap and her forces are just fighting off the last of the SpectreWings, the ones who came to be backup."

"Did we..." Hurricane felt the words catch in his throat. "Did we kill all of them?"

"No." Mist shook his head. "Most of them got away."

"Disappointingly." Tarantula sighed. "Either way, I'm glad you're not dead yet."

Hurricane knew Tarantula well enough not to question that last word and sat up. "I'm also pretty glad that I'm not dead. What happened?"

"You were hit by lightning." Spirit breathed, as if reliving the moment. "And so was Noviseer."

"Negative charge~" Tarantula said in a singsong voice.

"Are we not going to talk about the way you straight up bullied that SpecterWing? I'm not upset about it, I'm actually proud, but still, what made his blood more important?" Igneous asked innocently.

"Don't ask." Hurricane said coldly.

"Whoa," Tarantula said, confused. "I wasn't ready for that answer."

Hurricane scrambled to his feet, his head still throbbing, talons aching, and body sore.

"Uh.." Hurricane said, "I don't think it's over yet."

He pointed to the storm of dragons approaching.

"Welp, I did say there'd be backup." Thunderclap said in response. "Troops! Regroup! Attack!"

The remaining StormWings immediately shot up into the sky to continue the fight. Most of Hurricane's friends did the same, apart from Spirit. Why do you always have to make me feel so, so, so useless? They all had flown off and left him with Spirit, who shuffled her talons.
"I'm sorry about earlier." She mumbled.

Hurricane shrugged it off like it didn't hurt, but it did. "Let's go help them fight."

"Hurricane, wait-"

Hurricane took off, flapping his wings and storming into the thunder of dragons.

He let out a roar and lunged at a SpectreWing, hooking his claws into the dragon's shoulders and sending electricity into their face. The SpectreWing shrieked and began seizing up and Hurricane snapped their neck, letting them fall to the ground.

He roared as claws hooked into his tail and he was flung downwards, but he beat his wings two times and shot up into the air, doing various aerial maneuvers before crashing into the attacking SpectreWing, who screeched in shock and confusion. He rammed his head forwards, slamming the horn on his forehead into their throat and flinging them away, watching blood pour from the wound. Blood dripped down into his eyes but he wiped it away and continued fighting, slashing and biting and sending SpectreWings flying to the ground.

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