Chapter Five

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Hurricane had some of an idea of what the geography of Plycana was. The reminiscence of the Storm Kingdom had mountains everywhere with a volcano here and there, apart from the heart of the region, the ring of fire was a chain of volcanoes that formed a circle, or close to a circle. Specterwings couldn't handle heat like other tribes could, so it would only make sense to go there first...right? They were close, Hurricane always looked at the volcanoes when he worked on the field but never had he ever imagined he'd ever been going there. The trip would take a couple of days, so it'd be a whole new experience to Hurricane, Mist, and Cloud. Most of the food they'd ever eaten came from the forest, so there was that. They decided to rest for the night near a massive waterfall, near the top for easy get away if they were found. Cloud nearly ate everything he could see if it wasn't for Spirit telling what wouldn't kill him. Mist was being timid and not acting like herself at all; Mist was outgoing and cautious, this Mist was just cautious. No matter how much they had complained about her, Spirit never actually did anything too harmful to them. Sure, there was the occasional tail slap or scratch, but other than that she really wasn't doing anything too hurtful. Maybe she's not as bad as we thought he said to himself as he lay down on the marshy Earth beneath him. They hadn't quite figured out how they would get there without blistering heat but they could figure that out when the time came. It was dark out and the moon light was bright enough to let him see. He woke up in the middle of the night to a struggling noise, again.
"Not this again." Hurricane growled. "Alright, who is it this time?"
There, Spirit was struggling to catch a fish. Hurricane sidled up to her. "Having trouble?"
"Hold your tongue, before I rip it out of your skull." Spirit growled.
"Not trying to be rude or anything, but you'd be much better off with some help." Hurricane suggested.
"Stop talking, every word you speak isn't helpful, it's annoying"
"Those are opinions-" Hurricane sang.
"Those are facts~" Spirit sang in the same tone.
Hurricane sighed. "Alright then, be that way. Fail at fishing. See if I care."
Spirit rolled her eyes. "Go to sleep, blueberry."
Hurricane growled. "My name. Is not. Blueberry."
Spirit grinned. "Blueberry."
Hurricane whipped around, his tail lashing and almost hitting her face."Goodnight, Spirit." He said through gritted teeth.
"Cya, Blueberry." Spirit snorted.

Wings of ThunderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon