Chpt.8 A Crush on Death?

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Percy POV:
Now, I may not be the most aware person when it comes to romantic feelings, but I can tell when I'm being hit on. Usually, it's models and people at my fights who try and hit on my, with the occasional waitresses or waiters at a coffee shop or restaurant; but I can't say I've had the the goddess of death hit on me before now.

Though to be honest I kinda liked it. Don't get me wrong, she's terrifying and could squash me like a bug, but she seemed nice. She was smart, powerful, beautiful and why the fuck am I talking like this, she could kill me with her mind, I gotta think this shit through before I do anything stupid.

And so I did the whole flight home. As I was driving towards camp I finally realized; "Fuck, I have a crush on Death herself."

That night I got so little sleep because I laid there thinking about the implications and consequences of having a crush on an I immortal, infinitely powerful goddess of death from a whole other pantheon. God my life is so fucked. That next morning I went back to training, I gave the demigods the day off but I didn't take it off, I closed off the arena and spent the entire day training just trying to clear my head.

That night, I grabbed my phone, and whilst still a little delirious from the workout, and after having a few shots of whiskey , I texted Hel herself and asked:
Percy: Hey, wanna get some coffee in a few days?
Which is when I realized how stupid that was but I already sent is so, let's see where this goes.
Hel: Sure, how does Saturday at 9 sound?
Oh my god, she responded, I just got a date with Hel herself.
Percy: Sounds good, wanna meet at *insert coffee shop in New York*
Hel: Sure, see you then😘

I am freaking out right now, I just set up a date with Death, literally. I was feeling good now as I left my room in the big house, I could here some faint sword clashing and yelling but that's nothing uncommon. Then I introduced 2 friends of mine together cause I thought they'd be a good couple, but sadly one of them was abusive and hit the other, their names are Shit and Fan, so yes, shit hit the fan.(sorry that joke was just for me)

Literally without warning, I stepped out onto the big house porch and got fucking stabbed. Like right in the arm, now this isn't my first time being stabbed so it wasn't to bad, but it still hurt like a son of a bitch. I quickly looked over to see an Empusa that looked real proud of herself until she saw me rip the knife out of my arm and start to walk towards her. I made quick work of her stabbing her in the throat with her own blade which I left lodged in the wood of the porch in the middle of some golden glitter.

This has taken my attention away from the rest of the world so when I finally looked over at the camp I saw the rest of the campers fighting against a rather large army of monsters. Ahh shit I thought.

"Well friend, it's time for your return." I said as I reached into my pocket to feel the familiar feeling in my pocket, riptide.

"Well old friend," I said taking off the cap revealing the beautiful sword, "time to get back to work." I announced to no one in particular before running head first into battle.

I jumped right on top of an unsuspecting hell hound, stabbing it in the top of the skull, killing it instantly. Then I grabbed an Empousa and threw it at another hell hound who caught it like a toy, killing it instantly. For the next 45 minutes I just went on a rampage, killing everything left and right. As much killing as I was doing though, I was still getting fucked up, I was covered in both my own blood and the blood of others, as well as monster dust.

By now most of the monsters had died or ran, that's until a deafening roar was heard, it blew across the battlefield and struck fear into the hearts of the younger demigods, it was the Nemeam Lion and it had its sight set on me. It charged me from the top of the hill, everyone jumped out of the way, as it approached it opened its jaws hoping for a quick kill. So I said fuck that, threw riptide to the side and just before it bit down, I grabbed the top jaw with my right hand and the bottom jaw with my left, digging my heels into the dirt I stopped the lion a few feet after impact. Slowly, I started to push the jaws apart giving my own roar of anger and rage as I pulled it's jaws apart, leaving me covered in golden blood. Eventually, the lions lower jaw gave and I was left standing in front of a pile of gold dust, a lion skin cloak, and the lower jaw of the lion still in hand.

That's when I heard slow clapping, fucking slow clapping, I looked back up to the top of the hill to see Atlas. "Are you fucking kidding me, I just ripped the jaw off the nemean lion and your slow clapping?!" I yelled as I walked towards Atlas. "What, your brother to much of a pussy to deal with me myself that he sends you?!" I said still taunting him.

"Oh no, I just wanted the pleasure of killing you myself, since I was able to free myself from that wretched punishment a second time, after you put me under it the second time!" He said anger in his voice. "So, what are we gonna do know?" I asked, now standing 5 feet in front of him, the rest of the demigods who weren't in the infirmary, watching from a safe distance. "Well, we are gonna fight." He said summoning the same lance he used all those years ago. I retrieved riptide from my pocket and got in a battle stance, I charged forward after we circled for a little bit.

I brought my sword down on him with as much strength as I could muster, it wasn't much compared to him but it was something. He retaliated by sending my sword to the side and kicking me in the ribs, sending me flying back about 20 feet. I tumbled into the dirt, I was still awake but a little fuzzy, but I had and idea. I retrieved riptide from my pocket and hid it in my hand, slowly Atlas made his way over. Whilst he stood over me he said "Is that really all it takes, to kill the mighty Percy Jackson?" Rhetorically I assume, then I quickly uncapped riptide before slicing the inside of both his thighs. At this he screamed in agony and brought his fist down on me, luckily I rolled out of the way just in time as he left a crater in the ground and 3 feet in diameter. I jumped to my feet just as Atlas threw a left hook at me, I dodged but I wasn't able to dodge the 2nd, right hook, I knew that if I took the punch I would most certainly be killed but I knew I couldn't t dodge it so, I caught it, I caught it with both hands and I pushed back(like in Infinity war when captain America does that), I held him off long enough until I found an opening and rolled in between his legs. I jumped back to my feet pulled out riptide and jumped on Atlas's back before plunging the sword into his throat through the front and out the back, covering myself in golden ichor.

"Fuck you." I said before spitting blood onto Atlas's body as a hobbled my way to medical station. 

Hey, let me know what characters you want to see in this book, doesn't matter who. Just let me know and if I can even just like give them a cameo I'll throw it in if it will fit. I'm just making my own little universe here.

Also so sorry, I fucking suck at updates which is made all the much harder by things like school and football and high school in general.

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