Why the My Little Pony verse is stronger than you think

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What's up guys it's Mario and Sonic fanboy and I have to ask do you all remember this series called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic you know the show about anthropomorphic ponies with wings, have unicorns and winged ponies who used the power of friendship that some people don't really like as much? Yeah that one.

But what if told you that despite being a kids show this verse is actually much stronger than people think? Yes despite these characters being cute little kid ponies with a powerful of friendship they are actually some of the deadliest ponies in t...

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But what if told you that despite being a kids show this verse is actually much stronger than people think? Yes despite these characters being cute little kid ponies with a powerful of friendship they are actually some of the deadliest ponies in their verse? Now I know some of you guys are typing in the comments being like:

I know what I'm saying sounds crazy to you Hell I used to believe them being a weak verse myself, however after further research I found out that this is the furthest thing from the truth. And that's what we're doing today we're going to be discussing why the My Little Pony verse and it's top tier characters are much stronger than we think.

Quick heads up: While my primary source is the cartoon I'll be using other media such as the IDW comics and the Equestria Girls to get a rough estimate.

Let's start things off with Attack Potency I feel like this category is slept on because how week people make the MLP it out to be but one of the best examples to prove it's not is when Princess Celestia moves the sun into the sky with her magic alone.

Now this scene may not look at much but this is important as Celestia was able to physically move the sun with her magic.


Given the sun's diameter and the speed it takes to move the sun to the sky, she must've created enough energy around Solar System level. That is insane and she did this with just one piece of her magic alone. But this is only the beginning. What Celesta did doesn't even scratch the surface of what others who scale to her can do.

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