How I would fix My Hero Academia's villains

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What's going on guys it's Mario and Sonic gamer and today we're going to be talking about My Hero Academia. It's a really great series and one of the best new gen anime/manga out there. It's concept and setting is really great and amazing. However there are some problems with the series. And as you guys can tell by the title of the chapter one of my biggest problems is the villains. I'm not saying that the villains aren't bad but they just aren't great. My problem with a few new gen anime I've seen so far don't really play out for me sure they are threatening and formidable like with Demon Slayer but barely any even close to be understandable. What I mean by that is when I think of villains I few them as more than just an evil force that needs to be stopped but also to be much more than that which why I think villains like Stain, Overhaul, and Lady Nagant are some of the best villains in MHA even better than Shigaraki and All For One. So in today's chapter I'm going to go over how I would fix MHA's villains. Now just a heads up this is all purely my opinion and you have the right to disagree. But one last thing this chapter will contain My Hero Academia MANGA SPOILERS so any people who only watch the anime click off while you still van. With that said let's get started.

When I think of villains I always picture to be as understandable as possible. If you look at past Shonen villains specifically my two favorites Madara Uchiha and Sosuke Aizen they do a great job making them just as understandable as possible like Madara was forced into a life of war pain and suffering and even after he no longer lived that life he wasn't satisfied so he tried to enact his own plans for peace no matter how vile it is. As for Aizen while we never got a glimpse of his backstory as the author wanted him to be as mysterious as possible we do know that Aizen was born with incredible power that far surpasses a normal Shinigami but as Ichigo says this he was very lonely and that deep down he wanted to find someone who considers his equal. What this basically means is that Aizen is a perfect example on how there are people out there who don't want any incredible power anymore as it was clearly too much for him, it honestly makes "everything was apart of my plan" quote hit differently at least to me anyway because it makes sense why Aizen willingly got defeated because it makes me wonder if Aizen did all the stuff he did because he was looking for something to be his equal. That's how I want villains to be which is why again I like Stain, Overhaul, and Lady Nagant more because they actually have understandable motives. Stain wants to get rid of heroes who only are heroes for selfish reasons and our corrupt, Overhual wants to destroy all Quirks before they erupt and eventually destroy the world, and Lady Nagant wants to leave the Public Safety Commission. These 3 villains can stay roughly the same however in the case of Lady Nagant I won't have her redeemed much earlier than originally instead she'll be the main antagonist of the Dark Hero arc who will slowly but surely break Deku's spirit and show him the dark side of the world making the arc last much longer than then it did originally. Now let's go on to the other villains.

All For One

Starting this list off with the main villain himself All For One. When I first read the chapters when Deku learns about All For One's backstory and found out that he's doing all this because he wants the world to be like the comic book he and Yoichi read and he wants to be like the demon king in that comic I immediately cringed so hard. You're meaning to tell me that the only reason why the MHA world is what it is because AFO was inspired by a comic book? That's like me getting inspiration to shoot up a school because I was inspired by Grand Theft Auto. We're cutting all of this because this is complete and utter bullshit. This is how I would write All For One. I would say that he experienced too much cruelness in his life losing too many friends and family and with Yoichi is the only person he has left in the world but their situation got even worse when Quirks started to show up and the world would be in utter chaos. All For One would of course have his quirk and decided to use it to help the world, he would gain followers in an attempt to make a peaceful world with less chaos and less suffering caused by Quirks. However he would go about it the wrong way as his methods have led to several people dying this would lead to conflict with his brother like originally which eventually led to One For All being created. All For One would have an army of supporters across the globe and they would all back All For One in his cause likely killing anyone who stood in All For One's way and like originally the world would be in utter chaos until All Might showed up to take out many of All For One's army members forcing most of them to go into hiding while All Might would end up inspiring heroes around the world to follow All Might's example and free their countries from AFO's influence. I do think All For One would still be as manipulative as originally but deep down I would have him be a good man at heart who just wants what's best for the good of the world.

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