chapter one

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                     Julianne throne
" Miguel wants to marry me?"I say to my mom while paced around my room.

'i thought I made it clear nothing should happen between you.'

"Yes but I have been ignoring his advances for way too long and he thinks once we get married I'll sleep with him."

'i won't let that happen,the money you have stolen is enough no more.'

"But what will happen when he finds I played him?"

'when he realizes it,you wil be gone.'

"Am not leaving mother!"

'i won't let that man hurt you,even if I have to drag you out myself.'

"How am I supposed to leave everything behind? especially you mom?"

'you are not leaving anyone behind,I will always be with you.'

"Is there away,I can avoid all this?"

'no! Julie,this time you are going to leave and this money belongs to you as much as it belongs to him.'

"I don't understand what you so scared."

'one day you will,sleep it off and tomorrow you leave.'she says and locks my door leaving me to my thoughts.

By the time the door locks,tears are already streaming down my face.i did all this for my mom but at what expense.everything I have now will vanish into the thin air.i love my mom A lot and she must have a reason why she made me do all this.

A knock interrupt my thoughts,raising up, I wipe my tears and walk towards the door opening it to find Sophia about to knock again

"Why are you here SoFi and don't tell me it's the fact that you care about me?"

'am not here to argue with you,am just worried dad said.....'

"Don't start with what dad says,I like my life the way it is and just because he loves you more that doesn't mean I want to be like you."

'Am sorry,I didn't mean it to sound like he send me but you no longer study,father is just worried.'

' foot....I don't care what he thinks about me and mother will always support just shovel that advice in your ass and leave me the hell alone.'i answer back and close the door with a bang.

Once she has left,I fall down and shed the tears I have been holding for too long.i was never good enough for father,he always make me feel like an outsider.sophia has been the whole world for him.
Since I was young I always felt like her shadow but I thank God for mother always supporting me.
She has always hated Sophia for some reason I don't know but I am tried of this comparing maybe leaving is the right decision.

The anger I have been trying to hold on to is eating away the little piece of hope I have been trying to hold on to.i can't believe I trusted Julianne with my life and the thought of having a family with her makes me questions everything we shared together.
Where do the lies end and the truth begins because every promise that came out if her mouth meant shit to her.
I had given her so much trust and I have discovered that was all a part of the plan to steal from me.
By the time I stop at her father's house the anger I was trying to hold starts to burn much more fierce.

I knock on the door trying to calm my nerves down.
A few seconds  later  a middle aged man opens the door.

"How my I help you gentlemen?"he asks

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