chapter five

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"Can I get another refill?"

"Sure but you don't look like a man who drinks this much?"ann says

"Looks can be very deceiving ann, didn't your mother teach you that?"I ask her while taking a sip of my whiskey

'i don't know what you are talking about,if you will excuse me I'll attend to the other clients.'

Before she can leave I get a hold of her hand,"no honey we haven't done speaking"

"What are you doing ?"

'nothing,I swear but I have been meaning to ask?are you really Ann or someone else?'

'yes.......ann is my name.....I should go."

"Then see you around.....anna

"Oops look where you are heading to girl"

'am sorry,I didn't see you."I say while trying to walk past her

'now you can see me,so what's up?' she asks

"Nothing....I'll just get to work." I answer back

'wahoo! You must be the new girl derrick hired,am Rebecca but you can call me 'rebe.'

'if I may ask,who are you?'

"Am your coworker and if I may ask,what should I call you."

"Forgive my bad manners,am Julianne."

'what a good name but you will be julie from now on,short name are fansy.'

"That's what my mom call me."

'you are quite pretty,I think that's why that man over there keeps staring.'

"Don't mind him,he is no one."

'am not but he is such a fine specimen,if I were you I would let him eat me out.'

"You should lower your voice and that can't happen."

'why though?"

"I don't know but there is something about him I can't figure out."

'if you think he is some serial killer then you should report him before you are dead or someone else.'

"You have such a good sense of humor but am not stupid to make such huge accusation without evidence,plus I have much bigger problem than a cute man who won't stop staring at me."

'its a good start,at least you think he's cute."

Am sure will become good friends rebe.

'be sure Julie,' she says while walking away leaving me to work.
One week has passed and I keep looking at the door yearning to see him.he doesn't show up.
I never got to know his name nor did I ask.he was starting to get on my nerves and I should feel good because he left but having him around all the time,filled the void I felt since I was young.
No one should feel that way about a stranger.maybe he was just passing by and he left for good.its the best thing that could happen because I can't add more problems to my life.

"Do you miss him some how?"rebe asks interrupting my thoughts.

'why do you think so?'i ask

"Because I see you looking at the door everytime it I figured it out."

''no you are mistaken I don't miss him."

''you can deny it all you want but at some point you will realize how you feel."

''don't advising me when you don't practice what you preach."

'' hurt my feeling but you know that derrick doesn't like me."

'am sorry,I didn't mean to make you mad.'

"I understand and am also sorry for trying to tell you what to do."

'don't be, he was just a stranger passing by and let's never talk about him again.'

"You refer to him "stranger" don't tell me ,he didn't tell you his name?"

''no i didn't ask and maybe it was for the best."

'okay, if you mean it.'
Am in Miguel office finishing the last sip of my whiskey after the afternoon meeting we had.

'"should we make the deal with them or not?"Miguel asks

''yes!it's the best deal we have and there is a saying that goes'keep your friend close and your enemies closer.'

''its good to know I have you as one of my most trusted men around for this kind of job."

''don't flatter me boss,I just repaying the kindness you showed."

'no it's nothing,I know I can count you on anything.has there been any news about Julianne?" He asks

I wish I could tell him the truth.'no boss,am still searching.'

"Just keep on looking,I want to get my hands on her."

'sure boss,I'll get on it now.'

I leave Miguel's house and go to my has been a week since I last saw Julianne.i had left without even saying goodbye and she must have thought I won't return.
No  other women has ever occupied such a big portion of my heart after my mom.she would have been proud of the man have become.
Tomorrow I have to go back and continue with the plan.julianne Thorne will surely be the death of me.
If my mother would have been alive,she would have loved her.
How do I still think we will have something real,when all this is a game;I shouldn't even be thinking what she will feel like in my arm?this is all wrong,am doing this for the wrong reason but it's just a job like any other.i won't let anything get in the way.
Once I have gained her trust,then I will play my cards first.

What do you think about George?is he doing the right thing?
What will happen?

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