chapter eight

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Ever since I walked into this place, Julianne keeps on smiling while looking at me.i have tried to avoid her and made it clear that I don't need  her service.

"What do you want to drink?" the lady from last night asks

''just some beer please?"

'sure but yesterday night you drunk so much,I thought it will be a while before you return.

"I just need one plus I like coming here to relax."

'sure,you think I ain't know what's been going on between you and my friend.'

"If you don't mind,what should I call you?"

'just rebe.'

"Rebe...a nice name but please if you don't mind get me that drink "

''sure dude but some peace of advice,don't give up easily my girl there is into you but is too stubborn to accept."

''am not going to chase her anymore...I am not interested."

Rebe leave to get my drink and she says something to Julianne. after some few seconds Julianne comes holding my drink and keeps it on the table looking pissed.before she can walk away I hold her hand and she turns back to face me.

"What's the hurry ?you should join me over here."I say while taking a sip

''don't you know I have way more important things to do than cater to your demands."

''you made that pretty much clear the other day but let me break it ,am over you."

''then why waste my time."

''let me tell you something,you have such a healthy dose of ego and that won't make me fall under your feet."

And what about you,' for the  fact you have been nothing but rude to this one of those"treat them mean,keep them keen"type of thing? because it's not working.

She walks away and am left smiling at how easy to make her angry.once am done with my drink,I pay and leaving a huge tip for them.i wish I can see her face when she realizes what have done.

"Why didn't I listen to you?" I ask a smiling rebe

'told you so but you didn't listen and now am afraid of the angry you.'

"I wish I can make him pay of humiliating me this much."

'he is leaving,you can follow him.'

"No I am not going anywhere near that man ever again."

"Okay calm down,I'll take the bottle back " rebe says leaving

'jules look,he left an huge amount of tip all thanks to you.'

"Just because he has cash,he thinks he can buy everyone?"

''maybe I would let him buy me but am enjoy this money more,I hope he will come back so I can become rich."

''i thought you are my friend but you care more about that jerks money more than me."

'ohh,I can't help it,money calls me.'

"Okay then keep both the money and him."I say while I walk away.

"Are you sure,I would keep him but money is important." Rebe answers back.

I don't know who am angry with the most,rebe or George.
Rebe is my friend and she should understand me but all she cares about is the huge tip that man left.
Who gave him the right to judge me?just because I refused .

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