chapter ten

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Antonia ❣️

"Why did you call me here?I thought we would meet at that cafe?"I ask Jonathan

'you woman ,you'll get us caught.' he answers back

"What do you mean?who will catch us?"

'there was am man taking a tail on you,if I hadn't realized it-who knows what could have happened.'

"You must have done something -is there anything I should know?"I ask him getting very impatient quicky.

'i called Miguel last night but he has no idea what businesses we have.'

"How could you do this?you don't make moves unless we agree together."

'then why is some guy following you?"

"How could I Know but am sure it's Miguel."

'You should find away to get him out of your back.'

"Don't worry about that,he won't get what he wants."

'why did you want to see me?'

"I want you to met your daughter."

'i thought you didn't like the idea.'

"Yes,I didn't plus she has no idea you are her father and will keep it that way."

'then what's the use of meeting her?'

"Because you are the only way she will come back."

I find four missed calls from my mom and have been trying to call her but it's going straight to voicemail.

"I hope everything is okay with you mom." I try her number again and on the third ring she picks up.

"Mom!do you know how worried I was?"I ask her trying to control my emotions.

''am okay my daughter."

''has something happened?"

'No....but I need you to meet someone.'she says

"Why now mother?"

'because I said so and plus he is the only way to get out of this problem we are in.'

"Him?who is he and why have you involved him in our troubles?"

''how can you questions my decision Julie know everything I do is just because you are all I care about.......all this is for you."

'i don't know mom,sometime it feels like I don't know you anymore and am just getting tried of everything.'

"One day you will understand why and this is the only way you can get back to your life."

''have you ever cared about what I want? May be I want to stay here.....I have gained a real friend and someone else,I'll introduce you some day."

''i care about you more than you can imagine,just meet him this once and will know from now on."

''okay,I will but I won't promise you anything."

'I end the call and wipe away the tears that are falling down my cheeks.'

I wish my mom could understand the anguish I feel everytime I remember am the cause of this all.we may have never been close to my sister but I seem to miss her more and I wish I could get to talk to her and all the lecture she used to give me after father made her talk to me.

I miss her laughter and wonder how she is doing she happy?

My thoughts are cut short when someone knocks on the door.
I get up and walk up to the door opening to find George holding a box of pizza with a bottle of wine.
I let him pass and I lock the door.

"Why are you here?"I ask while he hand me over the bottle of wine.

''do you mind if you pour me some?"

''make yourself at home,I'll be back with the wine."

I take two glasses and pouring at each a generous amount of wine.carrying them to back and giving him one.

''so why are you here?" I ask again taking a sip the wine.

''can't I visit you?" He ask while taking a piece of the pizza.

''no!you can't come at my house without being invited."

''you must be hungry take some."he says

''i must say,you are very good at dodging questions."

'am not,I just think this isn't the time to ask questions.'

"And I bet soon you'll start asking some of your own."

''you shouldn't ask questions when you wont like the answers."

''okay,sort yourself."

"But I have been meaning to ask why did you lie about your name?"

''i didn't lie,I just omitted the first letters."

''omission is also lying."

''i don't owe you any explanation ."

''you have a very smart mouth but I would like it even more if it were doing something else."

''i think you have over stayed your visit,I appreciate your generosity but am a bit tried and I  need some sleep."

''you surely didn't think that way when you came on my mouth yesterday."

''why do have to keep reminding me of that,I liked it and you did to.i think we should leave it at that."

'but I want more of that.'

"Maybe but not today."

Then prove me wrong,if you don't like it ,stop me and I'll leave.

Before I can think,he is on me.his lips connect with mine and we start kissing like we had been straved of each other's affection.before long we are both naked.
My nails dig into the flesh on his back as he thrust in and out of me.
I feel like am cloud nine by the way his eyes are locked with mine.several moans escape my lips as  his thrust increases and my body gives out to an amazing thrust slowed,and he halted, burying himself deep inside me while he exploded.

"Ohh God,that was amazing." He says while he lying next to me.

'yeah,you always knows what buttons to press.'

"I knew you would be able to resist my charm."

'i think you should leave.'

"I will but you will one day beg for me to stay."he says while picking his jeans and shirt putting them on.

''thanks for the organism."I tell him while locking the door.

I sit on my bed and smile thinking about george.he must be an angle send from even.he knows my body so well and he has managed to erase the men I used to be with before him.i can't wait to have a repeat of that.

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