chapter nine

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                          JULIANNE ❣️

For the whole night,I have been working like a hasn't been visiting this place for two days now and i think he must have given up.rebe has been on my tail trying to do some of the orders and have refused her help.
My heart and mind are currently on war about if I should start something with him or not.

"So what have you decided after being in a bad mood tonight?"rebe asks taking the empty bottle of beer am carrying.

'i will talk with him and try to work out things.'

'is that it........or have you finally realize you were acting like a child and decided to put your big girls pants on admitting just you like him?'

"Let's just drop it."

'i will if you promise to work out the shit that's being going on between you two and get dirty on the sheet; maybe it will do some good to your boring social life.'

"I will talk with him first thing in the morning but I don't know where he is staying at?"

'never mind ,I have his address because I knew this moment would come.' she says while handing me over the address.

'how did you get it?don't tell me you asked George?'

"No I have my way....just thank me or I'll take it back and you forget about him."

'am not,bye see you around.'i say while walking outside.
I look at the address once again and make the decision to see him tonight.
After about thirty seconds I reach the motel he is staying at finding a sleeping middle aged man seated at the reception.
I pass slowly to avoid waking him up and take the stairs knocking on his room.

"Give me a second am coming."he answers back on the other side of the door

Waiting for him to open the door feel like an eternity until the door opens to reveal the man have been dreaming about in only a towel wrapped around his waist.he was probably bathing when I got here by the looks of his wet eyes takes a trail of their own from his chest to where the towel is holding.
My thoughts take a dirty turn wondering if he is naked underneath that towel.
He must notice and at that moment he clears his throat taking my mind off his body.

"What are you doing here at this time?"he asks while letting me in

'i just left work and thought why not come and see you.'

"You could asked me to come pick you up.don't you know who dangerous is it for a woman to walk alone at night?"

'nothing happened,plus am used on walking alone from work.'

"Now listen ,I'll be the one to pick you up after work."

'sure,I can pretend I like the idea but I came here for different reason.'

"Like the ones your little mind were thinking about while looking at my body?"

'if I deny it what can you do about it?'

'i have so many things I can do to you, don't test my patience.'

"Am willing try some."
When I open the door am surprised to see julianne.i never thought she would come on her very much taken back by her presence until I notice she is eating me out with her eyes.
I clear my throat and I have her attention.

"Think about it once again, because if I have a taste of your lips then am not stopping at that."

''i didn't come all this way at  the middle of the night just to not go all the way with yo......"

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