chapter twenty five

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      One year later

I watch my brother playing with his son and daughter and can't help but feel tears falling down my cheeks.
If years back  you could tell me this was real,I would have said it's not possible.
But I do believe In possibilities.i watch sofi-my sister in law with my husband George laughing about something Miguel feels great to gain this in a little period of time.
Mia takes that moment and sits on my lap.

"Auntie when is my cousin coming to meet me?" She asks innocently

''you'll get to play with her soon." I answer back.

Before mia can ask more questions Sophia tells her to go and play.mia listens to her mother and goes to play with Henry.

"How is my sister feeling?" Sophia asks

'just tried ,I want this baby to come out so I can rest.'

"Don't worry  this isn't the worst part because you'll be having many sleepless night when she comes."

'i guess she wants to come now,my water just broken.'

"Okay,am going to get George."


Sophia comes running and tell me that Julianne is in labour.
I ask Miguel to get the car while I go to my wife.

"Hey honey,just keep breathing, Miguel is bringing his car."

'dont.....argh.....ask to breathe this is all your fault.....ouch.'

"I know honey,just hang in there soon we are going to met our baby."

Few minutes later Julianne give birth to our daughter Skye Anderson mendez.she is pretty like her mom and holding her in my arms has been the best gift life could give.
I think back to the days Julianne was only a job for me and if I could get to do it again,I wouldn't change anything because I got to find the love of my life and now I have a little baby something I never thought I would love the most.
Am so proud what I have achieved in one year.

THE End 💥

So far so good.
I would like to thank everyone who has given this book a chance .feel appreciated wherever you are.
I sent my love to you all❤️
I will be back with more books
Rebe and Derick might get a story.
Good bye for now and when I get back be prepared for something new and exciting 🎉

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