chapter two

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For the past one week I haven't heard from my mother.she gave me her words that nothing will happen to me but her silent is making me worry.
Before I can dwell much no those thoughts my phone ring and can't help it but smile when I hear my mom's voice on the other side.


'hello,,I thought something was wrong.'

"I only did what was right,I can't let them know where you are."

'did you do something?"

"Yes,we sacrificed Sophia to save you my daughter."

'what?I thought you would come with a new plan that won't endanger anyone in our family?'

"They aren't your family and never treated you like one,so what is a little sacrifice to show their loyalty?"

'i don't understand what you mean?"

"You shouldn't dwell much on what i say,Sophia did this willingly I didn't force anyone."

'okay but I know Miguel,he will make her life miserable....poor SoFi.'

"You more than anyone else should feel happy for the fact that she will suffer ."

'should I.....'

"There is something I need to take care of,I'll call you soon."mother says while ending the call.

I should be feeling happy like mother said but am not.why does she always get everything I ever want?she is married to a rich man and I envy the fact that she can live that life while am hiding out here.
She may have everything but being with a husband that hates her feels me with joy.
Since we were young father always loved SoFi more than he loved me.
I always choose to rebel and see if father would try to give me the love I always needed but none of that was enough.
SoFi made father proud while I choose to spend late nights partying with friends and getting home past midnight.mother always made sure to stand by me during my rebellious times but I got used to the fact that father would always be disappointed in me.

And today he is blaming me for what his favorite daughter had to under go.he must hate me more than he lets on.i also hate him too for the fact that he could push me away since I was a child.i always felt an outsider.may be this is karma's work he deserves everything coming his way.

George 💫💫
For the past one week i come early and sit in the corner where I wait to see Julianne walk through the bar's door.she is too elegant and classy for a lady like her to take this job.
I see how the drank men watch her with lust in their eyes;I bet one of them would like to bed her but not on my watch.if it where up to me I would lock her in a tower and never let any man look at her.
I understand why Miguel is furious;a woman like her tricked him while he make men bow down to him.
I have known Miguel since he was a child;my father used to work for his father and was loyal to him until he passed away.i don't like to talk about my dad very much because of how difficulty he made my childhood be.the one thing he did right was bring a meal at the table every night.
He would usually bring me to work and that's when we became great friends with Miguel.
Since then I have given my loyalty to him and his family.
This is why this job is important and I need to finish it.
The picture that is sitting heavy on my pocket doesn't do justice to the beauty am looking at.i feel jealousy thinking Miguel has had a piece of  what I want now.i wonder what it will feel like when those sexy legs are wrapped around my thighs while I devour her with kisses.just thinking about that make my cock throb in my briefs.i need to have her.
A Few minutes later her shift is over and I follow her behind at a safe distance so she won't notice  me.i won't like one of the drank men follow her and destroy my plans .

Once my shift is over,I carry my handbag and leave the bar.i always hate the creepy feeling at the back of my mind.this dark alleys I walk through and everytime I look back thinking someone is following me.
I miss everything I had back then but I can't go back.
After walking for sometime I reach the small house have rented .I open the door and sit on bed trying to calm my hard beating heart.everything about this house is too outdated;the paints on the wall are coming out in patches and it is too cold.

I don't like living here but it is good place to hide,where not many people will ask questions but once everything is calm I will find a much comfortable place to stay but this will have to do for now.

I try to find some sleep hoping tomorrow my mom would call and give me great news.

Hey! So far so good.
I hope you like this book
I appreciate everyone who has participated in anyway.
I send my love to all of you❣️

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