chapter six

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"I said am coming,stop knocking over and over again."
I wonder who has the guts to interrupt my peaceful night.
I stand up and open the door to find the person I never thought I would see again.

"It's you?" I ask while glaring at him

''yes it's me......where you expecting someone else?"he asks trying to walk past me.

''who said you could enter?"

' you mind if I enter?'

" have thirty seconds to say what you want." I answer back while letting him inside.

''thanks......can I have a glass of water?"

''stop pissing me off,this isn't the bar that you order me around."

''okay.....just relax."

''and before I forget,how did you find out about this place?have you been following me?"

''you should be more careful, anyone can follow."

'that didn't answer my questions!who the hell are you?'

"Can I take you to dinner?so I can make it up to you."

''let me think about it .......I don't go out with guys who I don't know."

''will get to know each other soon plus I know you like me?"

''don't get your hopes so high and I don't even know your name?"

''am George."

''mmmh...... George I like it."

''i told you so......ann!"

''i don't think should leave am a so tried I need some sleep."

''sure.... tomorrow I'll be waiting for an answer at the usual place."

''okay let me sleep on it then tomorrow who knows .... George."

'are you trying to seduce me ....

'Okay good night .'

"Goodnight beautiful."

I lock the door trying to calm down my beating heart.i can't wait to tell rebe about this.
I think tomorrow will be a long day.
After I have taken a bath,I take my laptop and try to finish the pending work but all my thoughts keep drifting to Julianne.
She hasn't revealed she lied to me but that can wait.
After so long I was able to get so close to her.
She is too irresistible....I wanted to kiss those lips and hold her closer to me but I had to stop myself.i could see the way she was staring at me and the want in her eyes.i wonder if she too was thinking about kissing me or more?
Tomorrow she will give me an answer and after that no holding back.i want to have her in anyway a man can be with a woman.control is the last thing I'll have on my mind when she is under me.
''spill the beans and don't ask me how I know,you have been smiling the whole what's up?"rebe ask while she wipes the counter
''i don't know some times I  do feel that you can read my mind."

'sure babe.....nobody can fool this fine human being and don't try to chance the what is it?'

"George wants to take Me out for dinner."

''did Mr specimen come back.....I thought he had left?"

"I did too but he is back."

'so did you agree?'

"Nope...I told him I would think about it?"

''ouch....poor specimen, I wish derrick would ask me  out...I would grab him with my hand and never let him go."

'what was I supposed to do?'

"Get in with both feet.....luck doesn't knock twice on the same door."

''how did I become your friend?"

'you know that too well...nobody can say no to this beauty.'

"Then why don't you tell derrick how you feel?"

''i don't know how you manage to change your discussion from 'mr fine specimen to me?"

''i will admit I do find him cute but.......?"

''no don't you dare finish....just let the guy in and plus you need a good cock to remove all those tension I can feel everytime you are here."

''i don't need this.....I just run away,there are more pressing matters than having a guy warm my bed."

'okay then.....I don't know why you are running but please try to go out with him this one time,if you don't feel like he is it for you then walk away.there is nothing to loose.'

"Sure but next time I won't listen."

'Talking of the devil,he is here.' rebe walks away leaving me to handle the fine specimen walking towards me.
The way he is watching me feels like a antelope waiting to be pounced by a lion.
Something tells me to run for my life but another thing is holding me back,I can't walk away.i don't know how this will end knowing one of us is going to get burned.

''so did you think about my proposal?"he asks

''no...I need some more time."

''what more time do you need......I know you want me as much I want you."

''stop this nonsense.....I am not into you?"

''will see about that ?"he says and walks out locking the door with force.
Some of the men look at me and to the door shaking there heads probably thinking I shouldn't have refused him but staying away from this guy is the right thing.

"Ohh Jules...I shouldn't have pressured you into saying yes."

''it isn't you fault..... staying away is the best thing.i can't risk anyone any more."

''why are you talking like that?are you in danger?"

''something like that but it's a story for another day."

''then you will have to tell and no more hiding things from me."
''i will but first I have to be sure you'll be safe."

''you are starting to scare the hell out of me.....don't tell me you murdered someone and the copes are after you."

''i bet nothing can scare the rebe I know but to calm you down I didn't murder anyone."

'' I thank the almighty....I thought I would have to report my best friend."

''i think you should have become an surely know how to act."

"All hail the queen of acting."

''remind me next time not to praise you so much."

''i will my .....lady."


Hey!feel appreciated for the time you take to read my book.
Love you all❣️❣️
See you in the next chapter

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