chapter sixteen

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                                George 💥

"I brought Miguel's comb and it was hard to convince Sophia to give it to me." Mateo says while sipping his drink

'you did great but I hope you didn't give anything away until our theory is right?'

"George,ever since you got here you have been distracted.what happened?"

''Julianne never came home last night.she got angry because I questioned her after our call."

''since when have you started to care about her?I think you are falling in love." Mateo says patting my back.

''I don't like what you are trying to prove but this is only a job .......I don't have any feelings for her."

'okay man calm down I was just trying to open your eyes before it's too late.'

"This DNA test has to be done quickly because Miguel is already at  my neck."

'i think you have stalled enough.tell her the truth and make or force her back to the city,there is nothing more you can do unless the DNA comes back positive.'

"Either way I need to keep my end of the deal,after the result am taking Julianne back to the city."

'i'll see you around then.' Mateo says and walks out of the restaurant.
I take some cash and leave it on the table and make my way out

                   Julianne ❤️

"George,am sorry for walking out on you the other day.i felt like you were trying to accuse me of something I didn't hear."

'hey!listen am sorry for making you feel that way.i shouldn't have reacted the way I did.'

"there is something else,am ready to talk about my past because in the past few months have been the make me want things have never thought of having."

'just tell me when you are ready.'

"George,I did things am not proud of.i ruined my sister's life because of my selfishness.i'll never be able to forgive myself."

''we all have a past, people make mistake and you deserve to be forgiven."

''am a horrible human being.i stole for a man I shouldn't have messed with.this was all my mom's plan,seduce him but not to be intimate with him.steal for him.i gave him excuses after excuse until he asked me to marry him.i had already stolen 20million dollars and transfered that money to another bank account my mom created.i told my mom about his proposal and she asked me to leave the city and start a fresh somewhere else until she could find away to bring me back.
My mom always solved all my problems since I was young and I thought in no time she would find a solution but they forced my elder sister to get married to that first I was happy because I thought she deserved to suffer like I had since young without a father's love but later I envied her the most she could have all the things I have ever wanted;a home, husband and money although I didn't realize all those things never meant anything to her because she wouldn't be happy with a man who hated her with passion.he only married her to punish me not knowing that Sophia is a good human being and it isn't fair to punish her for a mistake of her parents or wasn't fair to her and isn't fair to me always looking at my back thinking Miguel will find me and I always feel like he already did."

"Why would you think like that?if he had found you  then you wouldn't be here." I say while wiping her tears.what will happen when I tell her that I am the man Miguel send.she will hate me the most but I would still protect her despite the differences we will have after she learns the truth

'i don't know because I always feel am being watched.i wish he would get me now so that I take this burden of feeling would be the best out come after everything Sophia has passed through.'

"Don't say words like sure if Sophia would be here right now she would forgive you.she sounds like a good person."

''yes,she would have, Sophia cared about me the most but right now I Know she harbors hatred towards me.i wouldn't forgive myself either if I was her."

''just trust me, nothing will happen to you."

'why?for a second there I thought you know me very well than I presumed.

"I'll protect you from him."

'if I were the same Julianne I was before this,I would believe you but if Miguel do find me nothing can save me.'

"Something can happen that can change everything just trust me."

'why are you so seems you know something I don't.'

"You'll find out soon."

'i will go and take a bath.will you join me?'

"I need to deal with a few things and tonight am taking you out to dinner."

'i think we both deserve that after I failed to show the first time.'

"See you then." I say while kissing her goodbye

I reach the hospital and go up to the reception area.

"Am mercy and welcome to Santa Cruz may I help you?"

'i need you to preform a DNA tests on this strands of hair.'

'i need your details and the payment must be done before the test.'

I give her my details and pay the amount with my card.

I give her the sample and she says the result will be send through my email address.

Before I can leave the hospital my phone starts to rings.once am outside the hospital I pick it up to find it's Miguel calling.

"Things are getting out of hand here?" Miguel says

'Did something happen?'

"Sophia left with Antonia throne and have been trying to find her."

'do you think , your father had anything to do with that?'

"Jonathan is capable of anything and I Know he can cut off his nose to spit his getting very impatient George,I want Julianne thrones to be found in three have been one of my most trusted men and one woman can't be that hard to find."

'in three days I'll give you some good news.i will bring Julianne throne to you myself.'

"George,don't fail me because this war will only end after she's found."

'i won't fail you this time.'

"I'll trust your words,in three days from now I'll be waiting for Julianne throne in my house."

'what will you do to her?'

"I don't know,I have so much I need to discuss with her plus Sophia will never forgive me if I harm her sister.she still misses her from time to time."

'okay boss.'

Miguel ends the call.sophia throne has changed Miguel so much and he has already in love.i never thought a time would come for when he would protect someone and learn to love.
Will Julianne be able to accept the truth of who really I am?will our relationship change after I have handed her on a silver platter to Miguel?
Julianne and Sophia are so different but they have  changed our lives for better.

I Know this DNA test will bring some truth out and Julianne will know what her mother is.a self-centered woman who only cares about herself.

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