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this chapter's song:
make it to me sam smith

Jake sat down on the couch next to Jungwon, moving the bottle of alcohol to the end of the table. "Woah, slow down newbie— wouldn't want you to black out at your first party, yeah?"

"You're one to talk, Jake. Weren't you totally black out wasted at your first party?" Sunghoon asked, chuckling.

"And that's why I'm looking out for this one, asshole."

"It's okay because I feel good." Jungwon said, his face not matching up with his words.

Jake and Sunghoon looked at each other. "I'll get you some water." Sunghoon said and got up from the couch.

"Jay said you don't drink," Jake said in a joking manner. "I guess he was wrong."

"Jay doesn't know anything."

Jake pressed his lips together. "You good?"

Jungwon nodded, cheeks flushed red from the alcohol. "I'm good."

"Where is Jay, anyway? That fucker better have not abandoned us."

Jungwon had met Jay only a week ago and he was pretty sure he had felt every emotion he could ever feel already. Jay had become his person in such a short amount of time and honestly, Jungwon was terrified.

Sunghoon brought extra cups and a pitcher of iced water. "Told Jay to bring his ass over here."

"Where was he?" Jake asked, pouring water into a cup and putting it into Jungwon's hand.

"Talking to Heeseung— didn't even know he was here."

Jake's eyes widened. "Heeseung's here? That asshole."

"Isn't he your friend?" Jungwon asked, confusion forming on his face.

"Yeah, we've been planning this party for the past week and he wanted no part in it." Jake replied with a shrug.

Sunghoon took a sip of his water cup. "He has major serious helicopter parents."

"At least his parents care about him." Jake said, Jungwon not knowing if it was a joke or the alcohol talking emotionally.

"Alright, no more alcohol for you." Sunghoon said, grabbing the red solo cup from Jake's hand, once again.

"Does Jay like that girl?"

Sunghoon turned his head to look at Jungwon. "I guess."

"I think so— I mean, he wouldn't be talking to her like that if he didn't, right?" Jake asked and Jungwon bit the inside of his cheek.

"I'll be back— I have to use the bathroom." Jungwon lied, getting up from in between them and walking up the stairs to the first floor.

Jungwon looked around, wanting to find Jay. He stepped outside for some fresh air.

He felt a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, wanna go?"

"We just got here— besides, don't you want to talk to that girl some more?" Jungwon didn't know what got him to say that. He felt like his head was on fire, ears fuming— heart beating faster than before.

how you get the boy ✧ jaywonWhere stories live. Discover now