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this chapter's song:
adore you miley cyrus

Jungwon grabbed his zip up off the clothing rack before stepping outside his house, closing the door shut behind him. He had just gotten a text from Jay, saying that he was at their rock and to come meet him there. Jungwon didn't know why, but he felt nervous. The last time he saw Jay at the rock, he was covered in blood and bruises and he had hoped that that wasn't the case this time.

It was a cold but clear day. The sun was out but wasn't giving much warmth to the earth. The skies were exceptionally pretty, with the clouds visibly scattered around the space above.

He walked past their neighborhood entrance and hopped onto a log, carefully stepping down into the familiar wooded area. He moved a branch and looked up, seeing Jay sitting there with his chin up to the sky and his eyes closed, breathing in the air.

Jungwon let out a chuckle, "Hi."

"Hi." Jay said, patting the space next to him for Jungwon to sit.

"What were you doing?"

"Enjoying the nice weather." Jay said, a painful but soft smile appearing on his face.

Jungwon laid his cheek onto Jay's shoulder and closed his eyes, "It is nice."

Jay put his head on top of Jungwon's, grabbing his hand and interlocking their fingers together, "I have news."

Jungwon turned his head to look at Jay, "What news?"

He fiddled with Jungwon's fingers before finally saying, "I got into Seoul."

The air fell silent for a moment, Jungwon's mouth agape at the sudden news, "Jay, that's amazing," He whispered, grinning, "That was your top pick."

"Yeah," Jay smiled and pressed a kiss onto the top of Jungwon's head, "Thank you."

"That was fast." Jungwon said, smile fading and swallowing back.

Jay nodded, "Yeah, they accepted me through early decision but I didn't know that I would get an answer this soon."

Jungwon could tell by Jay's body language that this wasn't all good news to Jay. Behind the soft smiles and loving looks, Jungwon could tell that something was upsetting him.

It wasn't news to both of them that Jay would be leaving for college soon. That Jay wouldn't be here when Jungwon started senior year of high school, that Jay wouldn't be here to keep him warm on cold days such as that day.

Jungwon huffed out a chuckle before asking, "How do you feel?"

Jay bit onto his bottom lip before hesitating to say, "I feel good."


"But— I don't know— It seems like the universe is rushing me."

Jungwon nodded slowly, puckering his lips before saying, "You will figure this out."

Jay locked eyes with Jungwon, the corners of his lips moving upwards, into a smile, "We could make this work, right?"

Jungwon nodded his head once more, "Yes."

"But what if we can't?"

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