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this chapter's song:
romantic (NOTD remix) stanaj

Jungwon had thought that confessing to Jay would have ruined their growing friendship but he was surprisingly wrong. Although their conversion wasn't all hopeful, they have been steadily moving on. And not moving on as in forgetting or pushing away their feelings but moving on with acknowledgment of their feelings. They decided that the next few days after their conversation, they should take some time away from each other, for some space— to think about what they should do from now on.

Of course, Jay ended up attempting to climb up Jungwon's window the first night, falling on his ass. Jungwon had laughed and said that he wanted to undeniably see him too, the minute after their talk about needing space ended.

The first night (of their confession)

"What are you doing here?" Jungwon whispered, his head peeking out of the window, a grin on his face.

"To see your mom, of course." Jay joked, earning a scoff from Jungwon.

"At ten p.m.?"

"Yes," Jay winked jokingly, "Exactly."

"Not funny, didn't laugh."

Jay chuckled and bit onto his bottom lip. "To see you."

Jungwon couldn't help but bite his tongue back from grinning. His emotions were everywhere yet all there at once.

"Didn't we agree that we needed space from each other? Like just hours ago?"

"There's space between us right now." Jay said, raising his eyebrows.

Jungwon let out a sigh. "You're the one who brought up space to begin with."


"So, goodnight Jay." Jungwon said, reaching to close his window.

"Wait—," Jay motioned his hand out, "I don't think it's necessary."


Jay stepped closer to the side of the house, where Jungwon's window was. "Space."

"And why is that?" Jungwon asked, biting the inside of his cheek.

"I think we both know what we want and where we stand with each other."

"What do we want?"

"Well," Jay paused for a moment, "I want you."

Jungwon's eyes slightly widened. "You can't just be saying that."

"Why not?"

"Because," Jungwon hesitated, "I don't want anyone hearing you."

"I want you, Yang Jungwon." Jay whispered and pursed his lips, looking up at him.

Jungwon knew this was going to be his biggest heartbreak.

"You're an idiot."

"And you like it."

"Maybe," Jungwon said and turned his head to think, "Wait right there."

"Hurry, I'm cold."

Jungwon tiptoed down the stairs as quietly as he could and opened the front door.

"Record timing." Jay said, a smile appearing on his face.

"Couldn't keep you waiting out here all alone in the cold, could I?"

"No, you could not." Jay said and stepped closer to Jungwon, their bodies being only an inch away from each other's.

Jungwon reached his hand over and grabbed Jay's hand, putting their hands in the pocket of his hoodie. "Warmer now?"

how you get the boy ✧ jaywonWhere stories live. Discover now