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this chapter's song:
paper rings taylor swift

"I have amazing news."

Jungwon looked up before looking around the library, feeling all eyes look towards them. He had decided to study for his upcoming math exam in the school library before his class and was found by Jinny, who was standing in front of him and ignoring the NO TALKING signs that were placed around the area they were at.

Jungwon huffed out a chuckle, "How did you find me?"

"Best friend intuitions."

"I'm guessing Jay told you?"

"You know, I get that my brother is your lover," She fake gagged, "But why does he get to know where you are and not me? What happened to bros over hoes?"

"Can you shut up?" A girl sitting nearby said, rolling her eyes as Jungwon mumbled a sorry.

"Jinny, do we have to have this talk multiple times a day?"

"Yes, I swear I'm your platonic soulmate and I will prove that to you."

Jungwon scoffed playfully before asking, "If I say you are, will that make you happy?"

Jinny nodded excitedly with a smile, "Yes."

"You're my platonic soulmate," Jungwon said, "Now, what is the amazing news?"

Jinny sat down in the chair next to Jungwon, "My dad's moving out this week." Her smile only grew and Jungwon's eyes widened at the new information.

"This week?"

Jinny nodded her head, once again, "Yup, thank the lord."

"How are you feeling?"

"Good as hell, honestly. No more parents arguing and dad treating all of us like shit." Jinny said, "It's so weird though because Jay doesn't seem to be enjoying it as much as I am."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, my mom told us last night since my dad wasn't home, probably drinking or cheating, who really knows. Jay seemed to be bothered by it or maybe something else but he's really hard to read."

"Maybe he didn't know how to react?"

"Maybe, but if anyone despises our father, it's him. I thought he would be celebrating." Jinny said and shrugged her shoulders, "I mean, he's been acting weird the past few days even before we knew about him leaving forreal."

"Weird how?"

"Not coming down from his room to eat and I'm pretty sure he hasn't been getting much sleep either."

Paying attention to Jay was something Jungwon wanted to excel at. He wanted to notice and remember the little things. It already came easy to him, like Jay was the most interesting person in the world to Jungwon. Even if they were just sitting quietly in a room together. He wanted to tell himself that he would've noticed if Jay was acting off.

"Is he okay? Have you talked to him?"

"Trust me, I've tried," Jinny huffed out a sigh, "But all he says is that he's okay and not to worry about him."

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