For My Wife

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— Loid's POV —

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Loid's POV

(may be uncomfortable to read)

"W-Where am I?" Ryder said in an agitated way as he woke up from his unconsciousness.

"Right where I want you," I said to him, piercing my eyes into his soul.

There's something (Y/N) said to me a while back when we were in the sauna together...

I just want him dead.

And honestly, I haven't got those words out of my head ever since.

So here I was... standing in the same basement that I trapped (Y/N) in when I captured her so long ago. Ryder was in the exact same position I had (Y/N) in, tied up to a wooden chair, except he was naked... with a table of tools right next to him.

"Y-You're that guy... Um... Um... Loid!" he exclaimed. "You're married to (Y/N)!"

"Yeah... what about it?" I said nonchalantly, crossing my arms together and examining him.

"I-I don't get it. Am I here for what she did to you? She cheated! You should be mad at (Y/N), not me!" he said defensively.

I chuckled and pushed my glasses further up the bridge of my nose to get a better look at him. I stood a little closer to him and leveled my head with his.

"Oh yeah? Tell me she did to me...?" I asked intriguingly.

"Well... she begged me to f-fuck her," he scoffed, seeming confused by my question.

"Was it good?" I smirked.

"H-Huh?" he questioned.

"Was it good...? Go into detail... I'm curious," I continued to smirk, making him uncomfortable.

"Um... I mean how specific can I get? She invited me over and I put my dick inside of h-"

It seems apparent that he's avoiding what I actually want to hear.

I scoffed, "I'm going to stop you right there, Ryan..."

"It's Ryder..." he rolled his eyes.

"Eh. I don't care," I sighed.

I grabbed the back of Ryder's head and met my forehead with his.

"W-What are you do-"

"It seems you don't get the point that I'm trying to make here, so listen carefully to my next words," I whispered. "I want you to go into detail about the very last time you fucked my wife."

"I-I don't know?" he questioned himself. "It was probably a while ago. I-I was drunk, she was also-"

"Drunk?" I said, finishing his sentence for him.

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