~chapter 22~

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It was now the next day and I was home again. I woke up the a bunch of my notifications going off. I checked it and it was all from Twitter. People tagging me and Wilbur. I clicked on the tweet and felt sick once I saw it.

It was a picture. A picture from the coffee shop that me and will went to yesterday.
The caption read "Wilbur and Cassie on a date pog?" And had over 100 thousand likes. Oh shit oh shit. I need to text will.

Cassie x : hey will did you check Twitter?

Will x : hey Cassie I did and I'm so sorry do you want me to send out a tweet? x

Cassie x : it's ok will! I think we should both send out tweets x

Will x :ok x

Wilbur sent out a tweet saying to respect me and his boundaries and our personal lifes. I basically said the same but told everyone we weren't dating and it was just a meet up between friends.

I saw alot of negative comments coming towards me and even got a few death threats and it kinds made me sad. The tweets seemed to die down because of me and Wilbur addressing the situation but alot of people were still talking about it.

Tommy even tweeted out "I can't believe a woman got to meet Wilbur soot before me #notpoggers" that was pretty funny and I felt a bit better about the situation.

Next thing I heard was my phone ringing. I looked over and picked it up once I saw it was Tommy ringing me.



" um Jesus Tommy calm down me and will aren't dating. And yes we did plan a meet up."

"Uh huh well I know you like him"

Oh shit.....

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