Chapter Twelve

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He loved her! Draco Malfoy loved Hermione Granger! Just knowing this and having Draco hold Hermione like nothing could hurt her, drove away all the worries of the upcoming war. When she was with Draco nothing bad could touch her. That was until the following day...

Hermione was on cloud nine as she walked down the halls, on her way to double potions. Suddenly she was stopped by nothing. Then she realized it was Nearly Headless Nick. The girl jumped, surprised, "oh Nicholas you surprised me."

"My apologizes Miss Granger, I have just gotten word from Myrtle." He said urgently "you must go to her girls lavatory right this instant." The look on his face made Hermione scared. As fast as her feet could carry her, Hermione ran to moaning Myrtle's bathroom. When she pushed open the door, her heart stopped. 

Draco was on the ground, his back against the wall and his head slumped forward. "Draco!" She screamed when she saw the blood  coming from his arm. Rushing over to him, Draco opened his eyes and saw her

"Hermione?" His voices croaked as she cradled his head, whispering softly, assuring him. She kissed his hair when she noticed in his right hand was a shard of bloody glass. Draco's left arm, the one that had injured, was bleeding and curled up into his chest.

"Draco..." Did he hurt himself ?, she thought as she tried to pull his arm free. He protested weakly and tried to pull back. "Draco please" Hermione begged on the verge of tears. Tears came when she finally pulled his arm free and saw it.  Hermione's life came crashing down.

Etched into his beautiful pale and muscular arm was harsh black lines. A gasp escaped her lips one she saw it. On Draco's arm was the Dark Mark. Bloody lines were sliced through the design. It looked as if he was trying to destroy or cut off his mark. Looking up she saw something that made her heart break. Draco Malfoy was crying.

The boy she was in love with was a Death Eater. He was on Voldemort's side. What was she going to do?! Would she just let him bleed out and die here..? No don't ever think like that! She loved him and she always would. Draco began mumbling but Hermione ignored it for now and pulled out her wand. Muttering a healing curse, the bloody gashes slowly closed, leaving the mark still intact.

Crying, Hermione got up to leave not sure what to do when she saw Draco fall forward. Instantly she flew to him and caught him, carefully laying him down. His head settled into her lap as tears fell from his halfway closed eyes. Gently, Hermione brushed away his tears with her thumb. Draco's pale hand came up and took hers, as he continued to mumble.

"" He muttered over and over again until he went limp. Scared, Hermione checked for a pulse. She found he was only passed out from exhaustion and weakness. Hermione held his hand to her heart as tears spilled from her brown eyes. Draco Malfoy, a Death Eater.

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