Chapter Twenty Five

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Her screams ripped Draco's heart into millions of pieces. His father had dragged him out of the room and locked the door, leaving Hermione alone with crazy Bellatrix.

"That sword was suppose to be in my vault" Bellatrix spat in Hermione's face "how did you get it?!?" The young witch only whimpered under her. A cackle filled the air as Bellatrix grabbed Hermione's arm. Another heart wrenching scream filled the air.

Draco fell to his knees covering his ears, his heart being stabbed with every scream. "Stop!" Escaped his mouth in a loud broken man yell from outside the door. In a flash Draco was running down the stairs to the cells and flung open the squeaky iron hinged door.

Ron's and Harry's heads snapped up and disgust twisted their facial features. "Malfoy" Ron hissed getting up, his fist ready to meet Draco's face. "Stop! Get up and take these." Draco frantically shoved the boys their wands, causing confusion to take over. "Hurry I'm getting you all out. Now."

Hermione felt it move down her arm. In a slow trail past her wrist then to the dark wood of the great room of Malfoy Manor. 'Mudblood' weeped blood from the jagged edges of her pale skin. Soon she could taste the salty sweetness of tears on her lips. Bellatrix was somewhere across the room as Hermione laid limp on the floor.

"Goodbye Draco." Hermione whispered as the darkness started seeping into her vision. Just before Hermione could let go and give up the doors burst open. "Incarcerous." Draco's voice boomed and dark ropes wrapped around Bellatrix tightly. She shrieked and fell to the ground with a thud. Ron and Harry rushed to collect the wands.

"Expelliarmus!" Draco shouted and his mothers wand flew to his hand. Narcissa stood completely dumbstruck her hand empty "D-Draco?.." With a flick of Harry's wand, his mother was bound on the ground. "Hurry ! The dark lord is on his way." Draco called and the two gryffindors grabbed their things and dashes out of the room.

Hermione couldn't believe her eyes. Draco helping Ron and Harry?... Suddenly she was scooped up into Draco's arms. Opening her eyes Hermione's heart broke. The pain in Draco's eyes was much worse then Bellatrix's torture. His eyes were filled with torment. It was so raw it made her heart ache.

Ron and Harry were waiting by the door with Hermione's enchanted bag. "Hermione!" Ron gasped running over to them. Hermione pushed herself out of Draco's arms and hugged Ron and Harry tightly. That didn't help the pain Draco felt. This was all his fault. He didn't stop it. He broke his promise.

"Get outside the gates. It's easier to apparate. They must know you're gone by now." Draco avoided Hermione's gaze. He didn't deserve her after this. Ron and Harry put an arm around Hermione to help her out. The filthy word on her beautiful pale skin, burned into Draco's mind for the rest of his life.

"No!" Hermione cried out and struggled against Ron and Harry. "Draco come with us! Please." She begged as tears streamed down her face. She couldn't leave him. "Love I can't-" he began. "Please I can't loose you again!" Hermione cried.

He cupped her face after glancing between the two wizards, who looked at him in shock. "I...alright." He heard loud crashes behind him. "Go!" Panic filled his voice. Getting the point Ron and Harry tightened their grip on weak Hermione and they ran to the gates. "Wait for Draco!" The witch squirmed and managed to look behind her.

The last thing Hermione saw before the familiar feeling of apparating took her over made her blood run cold. Lucius Malfoy was behind her lover with his wand drawn. "Crucio!" The death eater's spell shot through the air and hit it's target perfectly. Draco.

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