Chapter 1

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,,You finished, hun?,,  Valentina, my agent who helps me with the book dates and everything that has to to do with me and my books asks me.

shit. shit. shit. No I am not even close to finished.

I stay silent.

I hear her sigh on the other end of the line. ,, Look, Daisy I don't want to stress you out, i know what you're going through, it's tough but I-,,

,, I know, i know,, I cut her off because I already know what she was about to say. ,,I have to finish the book by the end of the year. I. Know. I am sorry, I'm trying. I really am. Just..,, I take a long pause. ,,Give me a little more time and i'll be finished. By the end of the year. I promi-,,

,,Daisy,, Now she cuts me off. ,,Don't promise me anything you won't keep. Just finish the ending, don't miss our meeting in 2 months and it we'll be ready to talk to your publisher.,,

Is she kidding? She thinks its so easy to write an entire book? I'm an amazing writer with awesome books and they weren't finished in a few days. What I'd say to her if she wasn't my agent.

,,Kay. See ya. Bye.,, I hang up before she could say anything else.

I mean she is my agent but she shouldn't treat me like little kid who didn't finish their homework. Because I will finish my book. I just need peace, more time and I only need to leave the planet for a while. Maybe even forever. I don't care if there's no gravity. I'll just move to mars- no to the moon. The moon. I love the moon so much. My mom even used to call me Luna because I'd always talk to it. I remember the day I first started talking to the moon, like it was yesterday.

I close my eyes at take a deep breath.

It was late at night. I was sitting on my bed all cleaned and ready to go to sleep. But I couldn't sleep. So I sat up and randomly looked outside of my big window. Something big, round and glowing caught my whole attention. Woah. It's beautiful. I loved whatever it was. I didn't know what I looked at in the moment. Suddenly I started talking to it and blabbering about my day as if it could hear me. I heard my door open behind me but i couldn't look away; what if it vanished? I couldn't risk that. ,,Baby? Why aren't you sleeping?,,  I hear my mother say. I shrug while she sat next to me. ,,Mommy, what is that?,, My mom looked into the same direction as me. ,,Oh, sweetie that beautiful thing is the moon.,, She puts me in her lap so we can cuddle and watch it together. ,,It's a planet, it gives us some moonlight when the sun isn't up.,, I smile widely. Wanting to know more about it. ,,Mommy? Doesn't the sun like to be up with the moon?,, My mom laughs softly ,,No baby its just that it's their job. Each planet as their own job and they hold all their other planet friends together for us but you can't see them all, you know.,, I nod in amusement. ,,Can humans go to the moon?,, My mom smiles. ,,Yeah we can. Someday we'll fly to the moon together. You and I.,, I look at mom ,,You promise mommy?,, I hold my pinky up. She hooks her pinky with mine. ,,I promise you my little star. Me and you only, forever.,, Her nose touched mine and she whispered. ,,My Luna.,,

Oh, my mother... The moon, my mom and i will go to the moon someday. She promised me. But.. My mother is gone. And I'll never see her again.

I wipe away a tear that rolled down my cheek. Ugh, I hate thinking about old memories.

Anyway I'll finish this book before winter even starts. I just need coffee, a lot actually.

I pick up my macbook, my bag and put on my jacket. I slowly take a glance through the peephole to make sure there aren't any people. No one. Good. I open my door and say bye to my cat, Luna.

I look out of my apartment windows and smile. Today, the weather is perfect. It's raining and it's cloudy. People would frown at the weather or would pick up their umbrella, but I don't. I smile or even jump out of joy for this kind of weather. I don't even use an umbrella. I love the way the rain looks, sounds, feels and smells. Just perfect. So if i say I love rain, I really mean it. And I'm thankful for every drop.

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