Chapter 17

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My head burns. I'm still at the bar, sitting on a stool next to an old guy. I had at least 7 shots of tequila, I stopped counting at shot number 3. I look around the bar and see a friend group laughing and drinking with each other. I turn to the bartender -who's busy cleaning the bar- and order another shot.

He looks at me for a few seconds ,,Didn't you have like 10 already? Are you sure?,,

I knew I stopped counting. No I'm not sure. Actually I'm having the worst headache right now, but my head is telling me that this will make it better.
I lower my gaze to my hands, who are fidgeting, nervously on the bar. Suddenly I hear the same group laughing again behind me as they leave the bar. I immediately get that jealous feeling again and look up at the bartender again. ,,Yes. I'm sure I want another one.,,

He nods slowly and gives me the shot. ,,What's your name?,, he asks me.

I drink up before answering him. ,,Daisy.,, That's all I manage to get out.

,,Pretty name. My name is Jay.,, He winks at me.

I don't return the smile. I'm not down for smiling.

After he finished cleaning, he looks at me and narrows his eyes at me.

Why is he staring at me like that? Does he know my books? No he for sure doesn't. He doesn't look like a reader. ,,What?,,

He shakes his head ,,nothing I just uh never saw you here before. Why're you here?,,

Men are so curious. I have to reply. I know if I don't he'll never stop asking. ,,Because I want to drink. I'm a drinker, just never been here before, thought this would be the right time.,,

He gives me a frown ,,You're lying. You don't drink.,,

I roll my eyes. ,,Whatever, it's none of your business anyway.,, I stand up and leave the bar.

As soon as I stand outside of the bar I start crying. I'm glad it's dark now. My vision starts to blur a little and my headache is getting worse and worse. Wich makes me cry harder. Even my legs are trembling, making it impossible to walk straight. Shit I hope I make it home soon.


The way to the penthouse was difficult. I almost fainted but I held myself to a street lamp. The stairs up to my apartment door were almost impossible, but I made it to my door. I'm now standing in front of my door, I think. But I have to sit down on the stairs because I can't stand straight anymore. I sit down and stare at nothing. My vision isn't clear anymore.

My eyes start to fall shut and I almost fall sleep, then I hear the door in front of mine open and someone steps out of the apartment. I realise my hand to wave at whoever that is.

,,Daisy?,, It's a guy, that's for sure. ,,What are you doing on the stairs? It's cold here.,, I can now tell who it is. It's my new neighbour Elijah.

I smile up at him ,,Missed ya.,,

He gives me a strange look, then rolls his eyes. ,,Are you drunk, Daisy?,,

What is he talking about. ,,A little.,,

,,Cmon let me take care of you.,, He picks me up and carries me to the apartment. He lays me on the couch and walks to the kitchen. He walks out of the kitchen and hands me a glass of water and a drug.

I look up at him. ,,What's that for?,, I point at the drug.

,,Aspirin, for your head.,, He puts it in the palm of my hand.

,,How'd you know my head burns?,, I put the aspirin on my tongue and take a sip of water to swallow it.

Elijah laughs shortly, ,,I know what happens after you get drunk.,, then he sits down beside me.

The silence is so calming. I look to my right and look at Elijah.

,,D, are you still mad at me?,, he doesn't look at me.

Mad at him? For what? ,,No, why would I be mad at you?,,

His head turns to me ,,Your that drunk, huh? Oh nothing. Your going to remember it tomorrow again.,,

Ok? Don't know what that was about.

,,Am I the reason your drunk?,, His thumb gently stroking my cheek while waiting for me to respond.

Why is that so important? But he's right, why did I get drunk? ,,Ugh don't remember.,,

He nods.

I push myself onto him and sit on his lap, facing him.

,,What are you doing, Daisy?,, His face filled with worry.

,,Shh.,, My hand slides to his neck, but he stops me by putting his hand on mine.

,,Daisy, stop.,, his eyes lock with mine. Making this more intimate.

I don't want to. ,,Why? Don't you want me?,,

He closes his eyes, still leaving his hand on mine. ,,No that's not it. I don't want you to do something that you will likely regret doing tomorrow.,, I can see it in his eyes that he really thinks I don't want this.

,,Not even a kiss?,,

He shakes his head ,,Not even a kiss. Because the Daisy of tomorrow will still hate me for hurting her. But Daisy, I was actually lying, you have to believe me. When you said to Jim that you were happy that I left that night, it hurt me so bad that I said what I said. And I swear to you, I haven't thought about another woman the moment I laid eyes on you in the cafe. I want you to remember this, tomorrow. I'm really ashamed that I said that to you, I regret it.,, Something in his eyes is different, but I don't know if I'm just seeing things. I'm sure that he has tears in his eyes though.

,,Really?,, He takes my hand and hooks his pinky with mine ,,I promise you, beautiful. Pinky promise.,,

He means it. Whatever happened, he feels sorry for it. Gosh Daisy, I swear if you don't remember this fucking beautiful apology tomorrow I will hate you. I tell myself over and over in my head.

,,Elijah I will try my hardest to get myself to remember. Thank you, that was really beautifully said.,,

,,Sure. I haven't thought about anything else when I realised that I made you cry. Now come on let's get you to bed.,,

He carries me to bed and hands me a shirt. Wich I believe is his. But I can't change, I don't have to do that-

Suddenly I feel him taking off my jeans and sweater slowly. In between his moves he sometimes stares at me then keeps going back to getting me dressed. When I finally am dressed I thank him and knock out the moment I close my eyes.

Remember Daisy, please remember.

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