Chapter 13

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I haven't left my apartment for a week. That also means that I haven't seen Jimmy for a week. I didn't check my phone, I didn't work on my book, I wasted an entire week doing absolutely nothing.

I'm surprised that the police didn't check up on me, thinking I went missing because they received a call from Jimmy. But he's probably still upset with me. Though I don't even know what I did wrong. And damn it, I feel bad for Elijah, I have been avoiding him ever since I kicked him out of my apartment after almost kissing him.

I think I am not only disappointing Jimmy at the moment, I'm also disappointing my mother. I don't want to see Elijah after what happened last time, though. I'm so embarrassed. Like I always am around him.
Elijah: 100
Daisy: 0

We almost kissed. Never in a million years would I have allowed myself to kiss someone ever, at least not him. But there I was, almost kissing Elijah one week ago. What is he doing to me? Ever since I've met him I've started acting -and feeling- strange.

I roll onto my back and rub my eyes. I slept so long this week that I even slept through an entire day, not even noticing it after I woke up. How can a human-being even sleep so much? Actually, I could sleep again right now if I wouldn't stink as much as I do right now. But I do, so I stand up and make my way to the shower.


After I showered, I ate pancakes and charged my phone. I hope I didn't miss much.

My doorbell rings. I'm kind of starting to hate the sound. I didn't used to hear it so often.

Who could that be? Jimmy? Elijah?

Before I open it, I look trough my peephole, but to my surprise there's no one there. I open my door and look around. Then I just stare at Elijah's door for a few seconds. Something inside of me hoped it was him. One of us has to start talking, right?
Not me, tough.

As I was closing the door, I find an envelope lying in front of my door. So someone was here.

I pick it up and examine it. There is nothing written on it except: To Daisy.

I don't even know who it's from. ,,Luna, meow if I should open it.,,

She looks up at me and meows. As I was expecting her to. I open it and read the letter that's inside of it.

It reads:

Dear Daisy,

You're probably wondering who I am. It's just me, Elijah. I dropped the envelope before heading to work. Anyway, I noticed that you haven't left your apartment at all since, you know. Wich is pointless, because we can't just keep ignoring each other anymore. You know, I want to apologize for what happened that day. I'm sorry I tried kissing you, but I thought you were okay with that because you leaned into me too. I figured that I should just leave because of that look you gave me after Jim asked me if I would stay longer. I knew that's what you wanted, so I left. Whatever, just know that I have nothing against you. I had nothing against you, ever. If you ever had the feeling. Anyway, come by at my place at 2pm. I'm not home until then. Hope to see you. Bye

- Elijah

I fold the letter and put it back in the envelope. Wow. Never had I thought that he will apologize for that. I'm thankful he did. I look at the clock and it's 9am. I have five hours left to decide if I'll go or not. I'm still confused. Is he nervous to see me? Is he expecting me to not to show up? Does he regret kissing me? Nothing. None of that was mentioned in his letter. Wich makes me overthink even more.

,,Luna, should I go see Elijah later?,, I pet her. She purrs and closes her eyes. No meowing this time. Shit. I don't know what to do. I'm left with myself again.


It's 12:30 pm.

I'm sitting on the kitchen island. Starring at the clock as it continues ticking. Tick. Tick.

Should I go? Should I stay? What if..? What if we kiss again? We kiss again.

I had this scenario of what I would do if I had a girlfriend who I could ask for advice. Because I know I can't ask Jim. He'd say yes immediately.

My phone is charged. No missed calls, no missed texts, no missed e-mails. Nothing. That's sad. Not even Jim left any notifications. Something feels off. Very fucking off.

I click on his number, and it immediately goes to voicemail. His phone is off. His phone is never off. I look at the clock and it's 12:43 pm. I close my eyes. Breathe D. You got this. Jimmy is fine. No need to worry-

My phone rings, but it's not Jim. It's an unknown number. I got chills all over my body. I answer the call. ,,Hello?,,

,,Hey, it's me.,, I hear Elijah's voice. It calms me. But again it doesn't.

I sit straight up. How did he get my number? ,,Elijah? Why are you calling? If you're calling because of the letter-,,

He cuts me off ,,Daisy. It's not about the letter. It's... Jim.,,

I freeze. ,,What? What happened? Is he okay? Elijah where is he right now?,,

He sighs ,,He collapsed in the cafe an hour ago but he's fine now. We are at the hospital. They are going to let him out in a few. Please don't worry. I'm sorry I didn't call you earlier when it all happened, but Jimmy didn't allow me to call you earlier. Don't know what that was about.,,

What? He what? My eyebrows furrow. ,,I don't understand. Wait- Why did he collapse?,,

,,The doctors say that it was because of... stress and tiredness.,, I hear him groan.

I feel tears escaping my eyes. Oh, Jim.

,,Hey, Daisy please don't cry, he's doing better now.,, His voice is calm.

I swallow and let out a shaky breath ,,Elijah?,,


,,Are you scared?,, I can taste my salty tears that are sliding down my mouth.

He's silent for a moment ,,Scared? Scared of what?,,

My hand starts to shake ,,Scared Jimmy might-,,

,,No. Don't say that. And don't even think about that. I won't let you do that. Daisy, Jimmy is the strongest man I know and he's not going to give up this fast. I want you to stay calm and wait till I get there. It's going to be alright. You got this, beautiful. I know you do.,, He hangs up.

My breathing stopped. My tears stopped falling. And my heart skipped a beat after he called me beautiful. He called me beautiful.

I wipe my tears and stand up. It's gonna be okay, D. Jim is alright. He's got Elijah. You got Elijah.

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