Chapter 19

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,,Daisy?,, Elijah says picking up.

,,Hey. I just wanted to ask where you are. You weren't replying to my messages or anything so I just tried to call you.,, My voice is shaky because I'm nervous.

,,Wait let me check your texts.,, I hear him taping on his phone and then he's silent.

He saw the text. Isn't he happy I remembered? ,,Elijah? Are you mad?,,

He sighs in relief, ,,Shit, no I'm not. I'm so glad you remembered my apology. Thank god. Look, I'm sorry for saying shit that I obviously would never mean. Just to calm you down I layed you in my bed and I slept on the couch, by the way. No need to freak out. This morning I heard you make strange noises. I went in the room to check and I found you screaming while you were asleep. That's why I got on the bed and woke you up- What did you dream about, anyway?,, He finally stops talking.

I try to take it all in what he just said, ,,Oh my dream..,, Now I remember it again. But I can't tell Elijah about any of that. ,,Yeah it was creepy indeed. Nothing to worry about though. I am sorry for being a drunk mess yesterday, I normally don't drink and I'm sorry if I said anything strange yesterday. I can't remember shit except.. you know.,,

,,Yeah you're good. I already know how drunk can people behave.,,

,,Where are you right now? Didn't see you at the cafe,, I ask.

He groans. ,,Yeah I'm at my p- mom's house right now. Visiting her until Saturday.,, Something about his tone is off.

,,Well I'm sorry if I interrupted anything.,,

,,You didn't, don't worry, beautiful.,,

Again. He said it again. ,,You're really comfortable with calling me nicknames, huh?,, I smile, but he -of course- doesn't see it.

He scoffs shortly, ,,Yeah what can I say. I like doing it. Want me to stop?,,

Is he kidding? I love how it makes me feel. ,,No! I.. sort of got used to it now.,,

,,Then I won't. Just one question. Do you still like me, D?,,

My smile fades. Elijah, you ruined the moment. ,,I mean.. yeah I am starting to like you. As a good friend, Elijah.,,

I hear him sigh on the other end, ,,Yeah. Friends. That's cool.,,

,,See you, Elijah.,

,,K. You too. Take care.,,

I hang up and realise that I friend-zoned him. But I swear it's for the best. I don't want him to think that we are something because we are nothing. We're just friends. Neighbours. People who sometimes hate and like each other.


I'm putting on mascara as I am putting stuff in a basket, because me and Jim are going picnicking. I am not long away from being finished with everything, but Jim wanted to come up anyway. So everything I still have to do is to wait for him.

My doorbell rings and I take the door. ,,Jim!,, I hug him tightly as I notice the flower bouquet in his hand. ,,They are so pretty. You know you didn't have to-,,

,,Oh stop it. I have no one to spend my money on except you and Elijah. Since Elijah won't except anything I give him, I will spend it on you.,, He smiles at me.

,,Thank you.,, I take them and grab a vase to fill it with water. I put the flowers in it and put it on the kitchen counter. That's when I notice a small note on the string of the bouquet. It reads:
To: Daisy Luna Rose
,,Look at the Moon and soon you will think of us both.,,
- J.A.

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