Chapter 8

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I'm sitting on my couch eating a bowl of cereal while working. But I am still kind of distracted at the fact that my neighbour had someone over last night. I don't know why I'm mad honestly. Just a few hours before I gave him those shitty cookies I said I hated him.

Why did I even tell him to have fun as if we were friends and the next second I got jealous- Wait, not jealous, just shocked. Shocked that.. I don't even know. I just am. 

The thing is that I'm not even looking for any relationships, so it's dumb to act so upset and jealous right now.

Daisy, quit this shit you're putting yourself into. He ain't even worth it. No one is.


After some daydreaming and working, I get a notification on my phone and see that it's from Jim. That makes me smile again. I miss him.

Is it weird for a 23 year old woman to be best friends with a 43 year old coffee shop owner? I think not. 

I know Jimmy ever since I was a baby. He meant a lot to my mom and they were very close. He sometimes tells me stories about their adventures and their youth together. Every time he talks about her his eyes glow like he can still see her. I still believe they were i love at some point in their life, even though he denies it. I loved their relationship and I wish I could still watch them together. 

Jim: Hey Luna, you coming over today?

My smile grows wider. I like it when he calls me that, he rarely calls me that 'cause he knows how much it means to me that my mom used to call me Luna. But I'm okay with him calling me that, I mean he lost her as well and they knew each other for more years than I did, so it wouldn't be fair to get mad over that.

I start typing. Then stop. This new guy works at his cafe and I still have some work to do. He's a huge distraction and has been on my mind all the time since yesterday. I would probably get nervous if I saw him.And I need to finish my ending.

I start to type again.

Daisy: Hey Jim, not very sure. That Elijah guy that works at your cafe, also my new neighbour next to my apartment, has been a huge distraction these last few days. And you know I have some work to do.

He quickly opens my message.

Jim: Huge distraction? I see. You like him, huh? But I'm happy for you kiddo. Anyway, yeah your man ain't at work today. Just come over. See you soon.

I choke on my water. My man? I- I am speechless. Does he actually think that I like that guy? Oh hell no. Well I am absolutely going to the cafe after that -very false- statement. 

I'm very lucky, Elijah is not working today. So fucking lucky.

Cause some things need to be clarified here; He's not my man. I do not like him. Never will. Period.


I changed out of my pj's and got out of my apartment in a fast pace.

Shit- I remember leaving my laptop and purse at my kitchen counter, halfway down of the stair case, so I run back up. 

Suddenly I see Elijah's apartment door opening. I stop in the middle of the staircase. What is he doing here? Why is he here now? Why is he leaving his apartment now. Just leave without your stuff at the counter and run away, Daisy!

Should I avoid him or is it already too late? I should just try to act like I didn't see him. 

I go up the last steps and turn my back toward him. My key is in the door lock. I push my door open as fast as I can and close the door again. That was close. Good thing that by the time I'm out of my apartment again he for sure will be gone.

I grab my purse and my laptop. Okay I got everything, time to blast off. 

I lean to my door and take a glimpse through the peephole, just to make sure he is actually gone. Thank god, he isn't anywhere. Now I can leave.

I unlock my apartment door and look down the stairs. He's gone. I pull out my phone and start walking down the stairs.

,,Hey,, I hear him say behind me. Shit. Why is he still here? Was he waiting for.. No. No he wasn't.

I stop my track and take a deep breath. I force myself to turn to him. 

,,Where you heading to, beautiful?,, I turn away because that made me blush. Can he stop? He literally had a girl over last night and is calling me beautiful. And why is he asking me where I'm heading? None of his business. Gosh, this man actually likes to violate people's privacy. 

Should I lie or tell him I'm actually going to the cafe he works at, so that he may or may not say he'll walk with me? Ugh, just kill me.

,,I'm going to Jim's cafe.,, I can't believe I just said that. ,,I've missed him and he asked me to come over.,, I nod at him.

He takes a step toward me. ,,Oh really?,, Too close ,,Well, I was about to go there too. Jimmy just called me a minute ago. Some emergency.,,  

What?! Tell me you're kidding. Tell me those words didn't escape his beautiful mouth- I mean, didn't Jimmy say he didn't have to work today? Never did I thought a person I love this much would betray me like that. Jimmy you have a lot of explaining to do, you old man.

,,Great.,, I say sarcastically ,,Very great.,, I whisper.

,,Well, what are we waiting for, let's go. Jim's probably already waiting for us.,, He walks toward me. I'm still frozen in the middle of the staircase. We? Us!? Oh no

Suddenly I feel his hands on my lower back, leading me forward, so I start walking. Holy shit. His hand is way to deep down my back. Oh my gosh. His hand is on my back and his thumb suddenly starts rubbing against my spine.

Jimmy, you better pray to god that this day ain't your fucking last.

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