Chapter 18

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I find myself at a hospital. But I'm not in a hospital bed, I'm sitting next to one. I look at the person who's head is covered with the blanket and feel the urge to pull it off.

Why am I here?

I look at the TV and it's playing my favourite cartoon. I smile but it doesn't last too long. The urge to find out who's under that blanket is getting bigger and bigger. As I turn to the bed again I touch the blanket and pull it slowly. I instantly feel my face losing colour. I feel numb. Because I am looking down at Jim's dead rotten body on the bed. This can't be... no.

Suddenly I start to cry and scream for help.
Why? Out of all people, why him? I scream and fall to the ground.

,,Daisy!,, I feel Someone shake me. I open my eyes and see Elijah who looks terrified. I do nothing at first, because I don't know how he got in my apartment, but then I hug him as tight as I can.

I hate my dreams. I fucking hate them.

Elijah kisses my temple. ,,It's ok. I'm here. Everything's going to be ok, Beautiful. Shh.,, As soon as I hear him call me beautiful again I start to scream and cry more into his chest. Not because I hate the nickname, because I hate how it makes me feel. Even more after that dream.

My head hurts. Shit  I remember, I got drunk. ,,I..,, I try to speak but I'm unable to talk. All I do is cry and scream.

,,Whatever you dreamed about, it's over now. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. You're safe.,, He strokes my head wich calms me down a little bit. All I hear is him whispering shh over and over as I continue to sob quietly.

After calming down I pull away from him and just sigh. The moment I sigh I realise that I'm not in my apartment. I'm in his. WHAT?! How did this happen?!

I'm relived I still have clothes on. I don't even want him to explain how I got here, it'll only be embarrassing. Now I also remember what he told me in the cafe ,I fucked two other girls,. He's a dick.

I rush out of his bed and he just let's me leave like that. Without any hesitation. Wich is totally fine, I really don't care.

As soon as I'm in my apartment I slide down my door. What the fuck happened last night? Just like that, I forget about the horrifying dream I had just two minutes ago.


In the shower. That's when I remembered what he said to me. His apology.
Good job D, you remembered it.

I texted him that I remembered. I remember every detail now. How can I not? It was so.. sweet. But still, I don't want any relationship right now. All I need is to- I now remember something else. My book. I haven't looked into my emails in weeks. I haven't thought about it at all. Oh no.

I open my laptop and open my emails. My eyes widen as I read 23 unread emails.
Not good. Not good at all. I open the most recent one at the top.

Daisy? I'm starting to worry now. Where are you? Sweetie, I'm getting impatient. I waited weeks for a respond. Please tell me you're just too busy with your book. I hope it's that. Also hope you're well.

Yours sincerely,
Valentina Gonzales.

Not good. I write her a response, as soon as possible and continue writing. Please, I hope I can finish this. Even it's only a chapter. I want to continue.
I will, I can.


I did it. I wrote a whole chapter. I'm still not fully done but I'm closer to the end now. And I'm actually happy with it.
I'm at the cafe now. Chatting with Rita and Jim. I haven't seen Elijah anywhere. I didn't ask Jim about it, because I didn't want to. Would have seemed weird. Jim would think that I miss him or only show up here for Elijah, wich is obviously not true.

,,Well gotta go now, work is calling. Right boss?,, She puts her arm around Jim, who is shaking is head sarcastically.
,,Go kid, work until 7 then you can go.,, He says and she jumps in joy. ,,You are the best, Jimbo.,, She laughs and runs away before he can say anything to her.

,,How are you, kid?,, He takes my hand.

I shrug. ,,Good.,,

He looks surprised, like he didn't expect me to say that. ,,Good. That's good that you're good, pretty good-,,

,,Are you good?,, I ask him.

He nods.

I look around hoping to find Elijah, because I'm actually surprised to see him not being at work.

,,He's out of town.,, Wow, was I that obvious?  He lets go of my hand and stands up. ,,He'll come back in a few days.,,

Ok. Well I know it's really none of my business but my curiosity is taking over my brain. I can't conceal it anymore. I need to know. ,,How did Elijah get to know you, Jim?,,

Jim scoffs. He now realises that I'm not joking. ,,You actually want to know?,, I nod obviously and wait for him to tell me. ,,I know him because of his dad. His dad is my brother.,,

I blink at him. ,,Elijah is your nephew?,,

Jim nods and continues, ,,One day his dad, twin sister and older brother where on their way to visit me but.. You know what, I think this is Elijah's story to tell. Ask him.,, He gives me a short smile. He's acting odd. Very odd.

My lips form into a straight line and I take a last sip of my coffee. ,,I will. Hey, Jim, come by at my place tomorrow and we'll go on a little walk in the park. How about that?,, I smirk at him.

He smiles at me and goes through my hair slowly. He just stares at me in a - not so excited- way. It's like he wants to tell me something but he decides to hide it from me.

Am I acting crazy? I may.

,,Sure, I'll come by your apartment because I.. So we'll go together.,,

I give him a weird look. ,,..Kay. We can do that.,, I take his hand off my head, ,,Now I got to go. And you got to watch your workers because they are playing knight's, using their Mops as swords.,,

He turns and gives me a look. I laugh it off and hug him before I leave.

As soon as I'm out of the cafe, I pull out my phone, but I didn't get an answer from Elijah yet. He may be too busy. Hope he's doing well. Did he leave as soon as I left his apartment? After I left my apartment?

The actual question is: Where is he?

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