Chapter 9

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Me and Elijah arrived at the cafe a few minutes ago. No sign of Jimmy, anywhere.

He probably already knows I found out he's trying to couple me with this flirty-sunshine man, sitting right in front of me. Jimmy, come out before I get more mad.

,,You want something? I could make you your usual order.,, He says while fidgetting his thumbs.

Is he always so sweet? He probably is also sweet to his girl. I mean girl's.

,,No-,, I wanted him to just shut up but suddenly Jimmy appears from behind the counter and I take this opportunity to get rid of Elijah for a while to ask Jimmy what the actual fuck is going on.

,,Actually, yeah please. I'm thirsty.,,I say.

He smiles and stands up. I grab his arm. ,,Add some extra ice in my coffee, please.,, He starres at me with his damn pretty hazel eyes. I blush and he nods.

Why did I grab his arm and look at him like that?

Well, if mister sunshine thinks Im going to act like this for the rest of my life, he's wrong. Jimmy included.

I just want this day to be over. But before that, I need to torture Jimmy without actually killing him. I love him too much to do that.

Jimmy starts walking toward me with a smile on his face. He happy, huh? So he doen't know I know.

,,Wow you seem pretty happy, Jim. What's up?,, I tilt my head and narrow my eyes at him.

,,Well, the coffee machine that I told you about, the one that broke down. It just got fixed and we even got free packs of coffee beans.,, coffee beans? ,,What about you, how's your ending going?,, Jimmy gives me a sad smile.

,,Oh it's been uh.. I just don't feel the spark yet. I still don't know what it is that is missing. But I won't give up, you know me.,, I look away but look back at him and narrow my eyes at him.

,,What?,, He starts touching his face ,,Do I have something on my face?,,

I finally get ready to talk to Jimmy when Elijah shows up behind Jimmy and puts his arm around him. Shit, he's faster in making coffee then I thought he'd be.

,,Hey, Jim,, He says. Jimmy widens his eyes and smiles at me as if he's innocent. He didn't expect us to be here together, huh?

,,Surprise?,, He says to me. I sigh annoyingly and shake my head at Jim.

Jimmy looks at him and orders him to mop the floor in the back.

Elijah looks at Jimmy as if he's crazy ,,Ok? Will do.,, Then he looks at me and mouths ,,What's going on?,,. I shrug my shoulders and mouth back ,,I don't know,,. Though I for sure know what's going on. Jimmy finally realised that I figured out about his plan to get me and Elijah together.

Elijah finally leaves to do his job. Meanwhile Jimmy is already sat down in front of me and takes my hand.

Jimmy, please don't make this emotional right now. I'm pissed at you.

It's quiet. He won't start talking. I wait a few moments to give him some time. But I can't handle this silence anymore ,,Why, Jim?,, I say while shaking my head.

He looks ready to explain himself. ,,Fist of all, I'm sorry, I know you hate it when people say this but, I am actually worried for you.,, Oh please. I don't want to do this right here, right now. And he's the last person I want to hear that very familiar speech from. So I stand up.

,,Daisy,, He says, trying to get me sat but I don't sit back down. I start walking toward the door. Faster with every step I make.

,,Luna!,, I flinch and stop, his voice so harsh and loud ,,Sit back down.,, I slowly sit right back down. I've never heard his voice sound like that. I've never heard his voice call me that name. He only uses it in texts.

But I still don't understand what he's worried for and I honestly don't want to know it.

,,Worried for what, Jimmy?,, Well, maybe I do want to know ,,What do you mean by worried, I'm totally fine, you know that.,,

He sighs this time, takes my hand and squeezes it hard ,,Look, we both know that's total bull, so don't act so tough all the time.,, He makes a long pause, meanwhile I'm too stunned to speak up.

,,Ever since your mother-,, he stops and I suddenly make eye contact with him. ,,You know. I just never see you with people. And I just think it's the best for you if you get a friend or maybe even a boyfriend. Someone who can look after you and who you can always talk to, about anything.,, I have him, so what is he talking about?

,,I got you, Jimmy. I can talk to you about anything and you look after me too. What do you think I need another human being for, one is enough. And let's be real, are you really believing that I'm going to date him or anyone? I haven't been on a date since.. Ever. I don't need anyone else Jimmy and that's it. I don't want any other person in my life and you know I don't like being around people, so why would you think that this is a good idea so suddenly? Just because my mom died?,, Damn, ok Daisy, calm down.

Fuck. I'm sorry, Jim. That came out wrong.

Jimmy starts to laugh softly ,,Wow... No. Not even for a second did I believe that this was a good idea, you know. Because I just hoped all along. I have that feeling deep inside. And I know you and i know him long enough to say that. I was just so worried for you, but of course Daisy Luna Rose is perfectly fine on her own. The anti-human back at it again.,, Okay now it's going in a fully wrong direction-

,,And you know what, you may be right with that,, he continues ,,but we human are social creatures and we need people sometimes, not always, but sometimes.,, He sounds like my therapist right now. ,,I can't be there for you forever. So could you at least try to be friends with Elijah? It would mean the world to me, seeing you with someone. It doesn't even have to be him if that's the problem. Just try. Come on, do it. For me, for you and for your mom. Please.,, He strokes my hand with his thumb.

For my mom. He mentioned her and that hit my soft spot. I feel my eyes tearing up.

I mean I could at least try it. Maybe my mom really didn't want me to end up like this. What am I talking about- of course she didn't want things to turn out like this.

I lean more into Jimmy ,,And what if he doesn't even want a friend. What if he doesn't like me? What if he already has a girlfriend?,, I say. That last part came out of nowhere. I don't know why I said that.

He raises his eyebrows and laughs ,,Elijah? A girlfriend? Good joke, Daisy. He ain't never had one, trust me I'd know about that.,, What? I am so confused.

,,What? But I'm sure I saw a girl-,, Jimmy cuts me off ,,Hey, I told you that I know him just like I know you. You don't know what shit he's been through and he doesn't know about your shit either. So stop with those ,,what if's,, Daisy. And hey, let me tell you that he probably already likes you.,, My cheeks heat up.

Like me? Must be kidding. I don't know what to say but Jim's right, I don't know anything about this Elijah guy, except that he is a nosy person and he makes good coffee.

I can't believe what I'm about to do.

I hold my pinky up ,,Fine, I'll promise that I'll try.,, Jimmy knows how serious I am about pinky promises. And I'm stupid for doing this. But it's too late his pinky already reached mine. ,,Thank you, Daisy. Thank you.,,

I smile and nod. He stands up and smiles back ,,Thank you.,, Wow, he must be really serious about this, because he just wiped away a tear.

I open my laptop and open WORD. I see Jimmy coming in my direction again ,,Hey I.. I have to leave already but I'll come by the penthouse tomorrow morning. You know, to check up on you.,, He says rushing toward the door.

,,I'm happy to hear that, Jim. See you tomorrow.,,

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