Chapter 7

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Yesterday night I did not bake any cookies. I sat on my couch and fell asleep. Now it's 4pm and I am hungry. So I decided to bake some now. I have so much flour now, that I could literally give the entire neighbourhood a dozen. I'm not kidding, the packages Elijah gave me yesterday are huge. 

I fed my cat and washed my hands. I can now start baking my cookies.


An hour pasts and the cookies are fresh out of the oven. They look too good to eat. I have to be honest, I did a really good job. 

I put a large amount of cookies in a basket and wrote a note for my new neighbour. I know, I said I don't like him but he's still my neighbour and we have to at least get along.

Also, yesterday wasn't the best late-welcome to the neighbourhood-greet so I decided to give him some cookies and a small note that reads:

Hey new neighbor! Welcome to the penthouse. Hope you like chocolate chip cookies. I've made some for you.

PS:  Thanks for the large amount of flour.

- Daisy

Only a card and some cookies, that's it. But what I wrote on the card sounds nothing like me; too cheesy.

Even though he makes me feel a lot of mixed emotions, I decided to be nice to him. And he's also friends with my Jim, so that's a plus point, i guess.

But I still hope he likes it. Does he even like cookies or any pastries? I mean he had a lot of flour that he said he'd never use. He has to at least accept my welcome-to-the-neighbourhood-basket and my self-written card, 'cause I'm not going to take it back to my place.

I also noticed that there wasn't one girl in his apartment. There weren't even pictures of family or friends, just like in my apartment. I can't believe I'm saying this, but we may have something in common.

Luna suddenly comes out of my bedroom and meows ,,Hey baby. You hungry?,, She meows, so I take that as a yes ,,Here kitty, enjoy your food.,, I lay her food bowl beside her and she starts eating. ,,Mommy's going to be right back. I'll just bring this basket over to our new- To Elijah. Bye.,,

I take the basket, look at myself up and down in the mirror -for some odd reason- and then step out of my apartment. I knock at his door with a sudden smile on my face. Why am I so happy? 

He opens the door with no smile on his face. My smile starts to fade. 

I hold up the basket with cookies ,,Here, it's a welcome-to-the-neighbourhood-gift from me to you.,, He looks at it and gives me a quick smile. Too quick ,, Uh nice, but didn't I tell you that I don't want anything from you,, I knew he'd do this. I sigh heavily ,,Just take the damn bask-,, 

,,Hey Elijah, come back here, what is taking you so long?,, I hear a girl say inside of his apartment. I knew it.

I raise my eyebrows and smirk ,,Just tell her it's from the old lady from apartment 100, over you. Have fun.,, I place the basket in his hands and turn to my door.

I don't turn back around after telling him goodbye. Well actually I didn't even tell him goodbye.

I just hope I won't hear a noise they make tonight or I'll sleep at Jimmy's tonight. I swear I'll do it.

All of a sudden I feel myself sliding down my door after closing it. My smirk faded the second I turned away from him. I'm frustrated at the fact he had someone over right now and that I even thought he was different. Different my ass.

A familiar meow snapped me back to reality. My cat was laying on my lap and I didn't notice it. I stroke her ,,C'mon let's watch some TV,, 

I got Luna two years ago. Only 'cause my therapist recommended me to get a pet to have company at home. I mean she really is all I have plus Jimmy. And she made me a lot happier than I was before I had her. 

But pet's mean responsibility and for a depressed woman in her 20s, I can't even really take care of myself. But I try my best. I really do.

I remember bawling my eyes out when Luna got ill for the first time. 'Cause I was so afraid of loosing her, just like I lost my mother. 

This was a long day and I'm ready for it to finally be over. I brush my teeth and watch a movie and call it a day. 

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